Questions about Masteron???


New member
I have some questions about masteron. I am not using , I just want to get some questions answered about it as im thinking about running it in the future. I have done research but am still uncertain as some sites say different things.

First question is: I have is does it act as anti estrogen or just has no armotization activity? I have seen some say it actually will lower estrogen and treat gyno some say its wont convert to estrogen but wont lower it.

Next question is: If it does lower estrogen like an AI does will it cause the same side effects and make you feel like shit??

My plan is to run it with Test and anavar next cycle. I read that it has a synergistic effect with winny and anavar.

Also how hard is it to get UGL versions of it? Is it a commonly faked compound or can UGL companies actually produce this stuff with decent quality.
NOT an anti e
Doesn't aromatise. No water retention.
Test/var cycle? I wouldn't know. I've always used it before taking the stage.
Faked often? Well, since we're NOT a free country where we can choose what we put in our bodies, yes, you have to rely on others...
Want to do a cut cycle but still gain strength. I'm not competing but I want to keep mass and strength and sit under 8 percent BF. I'm on test/deca now and at 13 had a caliper test done. Holding tooicj water. As summer approaches I want a harder look. Less water, less estrogen. But I want to keep getting stronger. And at least keep
Mass and energy while cutting or at maintenance calories . Not gonna do an intense cut as I don't compete.
I know diet is a key factor in body comp but would like to keep the intensity and strength while eating maintenance and staying dry
NOT an anti e
Doesn't aromatise. No water retention.
Test/var cycle? I wouldn't know. I've always used it before taking the stage.
Faked often? Well, since we're NOT a free country where we can choose what we put in our bodies, yes, you have to rely on others...
What I mean is it rare? Like test is pretty easy to get etc. Anavar can be hard.

So you will need an AI if running with test? Mast won't act as one?
Masteron will not take the place of an AI, it does however bind very strongly to the aromatize enzyme, thus causing less conversion to estrogen. It also binds very strongly to your SHBG, stronger actually than testosterone, therefor allowing you to have more free Test floating around.

Masteron will not make you feel like shit, i feel awesome on that stuff bro.

Yes there are UGLs that produce very good quality Mast.

You will have great strength gain and increased aggression in the gym, and it will produce and very nice hard, dry look, this is amplified the lower you BF% is, 10% or less is optimal.
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Some ugls offer a cut stack which is a blend of test prop, mast prop, and tren ace. I've never used it but its a pretty popular product.
Masteron will not take the place of an AI, it does however bind very strongly to the aromatize enzyme, thus causing less conversion to estrogen. It also binds very strongly to your SHBG, stronger actually than testosterone, therefor allowing you to have more free Test floating around.

Masteron will not make you feel like shit, i feel awesome on that stuff bro.

Yes there are UGLs that produce very good quality Mast.

You will have great strength gain and increased aggression in the gym, and it will produce and very nice hard, dry look, this is amplified the lower you BF% is, 10% or less is optimal.

Will it make you mean like tren? And will it cause joint pain like winny? Also will it be pointless to run it over 10? I'm at 13 right now. Had a caliper test done.
Will it make you mean like tren? And will it cause joint pain like winny? Also will it be pointless to run it over 10? I'm at 13 right now. Had a caliper test done.

No, only your diet is going to make you lean. No, will not cause joint pain. Are you sure you've done your necessary homework before you start injecting yourself?? Forgot to mention lol, if you want to get down to a "stage ready" look, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FOOD, cardio, weights, and the rest! Sure, masteron will do some cool stuff in terms of hardening, and some vascularity, but "make you lean," it will never do...
Masteron will not take the place of an AI, it does however bind very strongly to the aromatize enzyme, thus causing less conversion to estrogen. It also binds very strongly to your SHBG, stronger actually than testosterone, therefor allowing you to have more free Test floating around.

Masteron will not make you feel like shit, i feel awesome on that stuff bro.

Yes there are UGLs that produce very good quality Mast.

You will have great strength gain and increased aggression in the gym, and it will produce and very nice hard, dry look, this is amplified the lower you BF% is, 10% or less is optimal.

Yes, masteron is something I always looked forward to using my last month from stage. When I was feeling like shit from the diet, training, etc., mast always made me feel good. Confident, and horny. Lol!
Will it make you mean like tren? And will it cause joint pain like winny? Also will it be pointless to run it over 10? I'm at 13 right now. Had a caliper test done.

No it will not 'make you mean like Tren'. In in all fairness though, Tren doesnt do that to a lot of people either. It also will NOT dry your joints out. If it were me personally, id run it at 13, but its not going to strip fat, thats gonna be done by diet, Mast doesnt really have any fat burning effects.
Basically I want something to keep the strength gains coming and no water retention or estrogenic activity. I know diet is the facet that makes u Lean. I'm looking for a compound tha won aromatize, at least not a lot, won't cause bloat, won't make joints hurt. And will Leo me get strong and keep mass.

Was looking for halotestin but can't get a solid source.
Basically I want something to run with anavar d test
Basically I want something to keep the strength gains coming and no water retention or estrogenic activity. I know diet is the facet that makes u Lean. I'm looking for a compound tha won aromatize, at least not a lot, won't cause bloat, won't make joints hurt. And will Leo me get strong and keep mass.

Was looking for halotestin but can't get a solid source.
Basically I want something to run with anavar d test

Test Mast and Var is a deadly combo, that will give you exactly what you just exlpained you wanted. Ive ran those three and loved it
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Masteron is a interesting steroid it's best effects are seen on people who are pretty lean some where around 8% body fat will give you the best effects from masteron. Also I would be careful with acne and hair loss if you are prone to it. If you want to look really lean and ripped I would recommend not letting the testosterone get to high. The aromatization can make it damn near impossible to see any cuts. I know diet is a big factor in water retention but with really high levels of testosterone it takes more than just diet to drop that extra water.
Would it be pointless to run at 12-13 BF I can see
My six pack when flex and after a grueling workout. No fat on arms legs just some abdominal fat and mostly water as I'm running deca and test.

I'm not prone to boding or acne but the balding is kinda scaring me lol. No family history though
Masteron will not take the place of an AI, it does however bind very strongly to the aromatize enzyme, thus causing less conversion to estrogen. It also binds very strongly to your SHBG, stronger actually than testosterone, therefor allowing you to have more free Test floating around.

Masteron will not make you feel like shit, i feel awesome on that stuff bro.

Yes there are UGLs that produce very good quality Mast.

You will have great strength gain and increased aggression in the gym, and it will produce and very nice hard, dry look, this is amplified the lower you BF% is, 10% or less is optimal.

Yep, I plan on running some Mast when I cut sometime towards the end of this year, maybe even some anavar as well (Test+Mast+Var would make a solid, dry cutting stack).
I would run mast, but tren is so much more cheaper! I haven't ran either, but will soon enough!! Can you guys say that the mast contributes to SOME lean muscle tissue gain, or is it strictly cosmetic by drying you out and making you vascular?
it will give you SOME lean gain don't rely on it to, a test tren mast cycle is a good cycle for masteron, im running it now, maybe add some winny or MHN youll be set
Want to do a cut cycle but still gain strength. I'm not competing but I want to keep mass and strength and sit under 8 percent BF. I'm on test/deca now and at 13 had a caliper test done. Holding tooicj water. As summer approaches I want a harder look. Less water, less estrogen. But I want to keep getting stronger. And at least keep
Mass and energy while cutting or at maintenance calories . Not gonna do an intense cut as I don't compete.
I know diet is a key factor in body comp but would like to keep the intensity and strength while eating maintenance and staying dry

when the time comes you want to be lean, keep running test and throw some eq in the cycle, but remember eq need at least 14 weeks or more and your best results are near ten and 16 weeks if you have enough.