Hey Guys, New to this forum. Im on my first cycle I'm taking 2 times per week (Tuesday and Friday) sustanon 250 1cc stacked with NPP 250 .5cc and Turinabol .5 cc oral pre work out only (work out 5 days a week) i have gained 30 lbs in 5 weeks. having some sex drive issues that really scares me been married 19 years.my age is 38 and my body fat around 12% .anyways my question is can i come off cold turkey after only a 5 week cycle?? as my guy that i get my gear from is not helping me get any pct or ai cause if I'm going to mess with my hormones i need to do it for 6 months as to not mess with my hormones on a small cycle. i would like to stop this cycle sooner then later. any advise would be greatly appreciated. also can i just run clomid pct 35mg?
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