Qv Test Enananthate And The Pain!!!

I just finished a cycle of QV enan250 and deca300. Every bi-weekly injection consisted of 1.25cc of enan and .75cc of deca. Each injection was an "adventure," I never knew quite how I'd react. One time there'd be no pain at all, the next it'd feel like a bad, deep bruise. Almost every glute injection resulted in a slight discoloration or contusion of some sort, but not always. I only got one contusion on a quad shot in 15 weeks. In general, there was more lingering pain in the quads than the glutes, but it was never disabling, never enough to make me want to skip a leg workout.

So, there was some occasional pain but it was no big deal. The only way to find out how you'll react is to try it and see.

Still, when my small stash of QV stuff is gone, I'll only do human grade and Canadian UG labs from now on.

Oh, and each bottle of QV was underfilled by at least 1cc. Take that into consideration when you're calculating how many bottles to order for your cycle. For my 6-bottle cycle, I came up exactly three 2cc injections short, and had to finish with some leftover TT and Tornel.

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Every board I go to I hear someone say that they had pain from QV eth.
I've used 2 of the 50's and several 10ml's.No pain in any of it .Unless
you mean the next day,which still isn't shit.And I also don't get the stuff about the 50ml bottles hurting more than the 10's.I may be wrong but I test is test. if it comes from the same company and it's the same product annnnd it's the same strength,you know what it's the same shit!:confused:
I got a fever and pain every time I shot the shit. Their Cypionate is fine for me, maybe that's why it's 10.00 more for a 10cc bottle???
YOu think the 10 cc's are bad, try the 50cc.
You will get used to it after a while. I do 2.5cc's in my shoulder and there isn't much pain at all.
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I think some times it might have to due with the ester and the person taking it.I have to constantly remind my freinds that everyone is different and you have to experiment with different esters to find out which one works best for you.:idea:
I'm happy with mine, but alot of people have been bitching about QV test and all I USED to hear was good, things have changed.
Why is there a difference between the 10ml and 50ml? I was getting ready to buy some and read this. Also cutting it with fina will help?
"Everyone" says its the jugs that are harsh. Myself and others though have had no problems, I had batch 001 (expire april 2004) yet I have heard one other person say it was hell on them. I think its a tolerance thing, maybe thier bottling operation is not the best, I dunno.
Flex it said:
I got a fever and pain every time I shot the shit. Their Cypionate is fine for me, maybe that's why it's 10.00 more for a 10cc bottle???

Ten dollars more, and less mg/cc.

JohnnyB said:
I've never had pain with it.

Baking it is only going kill any bacteria that is in it, the BA will stay the same


Bro baking it does in fact remove any of the xtra BA U don't want.
I take the cap off the bottle put the whole bottle in the microwave for 2 min.
And U should see the evaporated BA shot out of the bottle like a chimney shooting smoke out of it....
Like i said earlier i never get any real pain from QV enantat.
And since i've baked it i don't get any pain anymore.