rack chins...need help


im doing a new DC style workout. the exercise says rack chins and i have no idea what that is, how to do it, or what it would look like ....any advice would help as im going to work out in 10 mins...
From a post by Swellin at IFL:

For those who don't do them, here is the basic idea:

I hang from the smith machine with the bar all the way at the top. I also use lifting straps to help hang there. I place my feet on am incline bench so that my feet are above my waist. I then have my spotter place a weight in my lap.

At this point, you do wide grip chins witha slow controlled negative on each rep. You blast to the top and ease back down to the bottom. When your chin no longer passes the bar, give it an 8 second negative. I rest pause these for three sets.

The total rep range for all three sets is 15-20 reps.
Mine is usually 9/5/3 or something like that. I only break for 20 seconds between these sets.

Now I have gone past putting the weight in my lap, and I use a dip belt attached to a db. You can add more weight this way.

I promise that your lats have never hurt this bad before.
Bootsy...there's the damn picture I have been trying to find. I had it on my comp for years, but lost it.

Nice job buddy!

As for hitting the lats, I have never done anything that hit them nearly as hard.
Swellin said:
Bootsy...there's the damn picture I have been trying to find. I had it on my comp for years, but lost it.

Nice job buddy!

And you say that you're "Not a Novice". :rolleyes: :insane2:

I just searched through a few threads on IFL and found one where In-Human posted it.
Yes...not a novice is correct. I never said I was smart though. I know that you are a much smarter (ass) than me.
i went to the gym without reading this thread...i did some pullups instead but im gonna be trying them when this workout comes around again (Im rotating with the DC program)