rant: something always happens.

I've probably done about 8 test cycles after the second episode. If you're really concerned about clots, taking aspirin will definitely help. 81mg per day is what most people take for prevention. I stopped after a while because I would bleed too much every time I cut,myself shaving or had a papercut etc...

Thanks man

I have just one question for you, what do you take besides test end deca ?...end what pct do you do ?...I searched but did not find pct just for test and deca..
Thanks man

I have just one question for you, what do you take besides test end deca ?...end what pct do you do ?...I searched but did not find pct just for test and deca..

Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links:


PCT is discussed in a few links of that thread. PCT is PCT.

Depending on Ester of compound start tIme may vary and the type of cycle the length of the time you do PCT may vary but the basics are thr same. DECA because of the length of time it sticks around 21 days after last pin is the recomended start time for PCT.

You need to do your own leg work brother research and read all you can. No spoon feeding here. We will guide you along yout way.

Educate before you medicate
Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links:


PCT is discussed in a few links of that thread. PCT is PCT.

Depending on Ester of compound start tIme may vary and the type of cycle the length of the time you do PCT may vary but the basics are thr same. DECA because of the length of time it sticks around 21 days after last pin is the recomended start time for PCT.

You need to do your own leg work brother research and read all you can. No spoon feeding here. We will guide you along yout way.

Educate before you medicate

K ....Thanks