Reasonable Testosterone level, but high E2


New member
I am not on TRT, this was my numbers a few days ago. Testosterone 560, E2 92. I have no sex drive and ED. What can I do to lower the E2. Yes, I know, I need to lose weight. Bout 35 lbs over weight. The only thing that works for sex is BiMix injection.
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Can you post all your blood work and make sure you include reference ranges. Let us know what time the blood work was drawn too. List any medical conditions and medications you are on. Basically a full medical history.

How old are you? Weight? Height? Body fast %? Do you exercise?
Can you post all your blood work and make sure you include reference ranges. Let us know what time the blood work was drawn too. List any medical conditions and medications you are on. Basically a full medical history.

How old are you? Weight? Height? Body fast %? Do you exercise?

60, 230, 5'11" exercise not lately. I probably have gained 10 lbs in a couple of months.