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This pic is 2 months old. Was on Sus, EQ, Masteron and GH. First time taking Masteron, all I can say is this stuff is great combined with GH.

I have a faster then normal metabolism, no diet or cardio.

just work on chest other than that it looks great bro

what doses were you running? how long and at how many iu of gh?

wat was your wieght?
just work on chest other than that it looks great bro

what doses were you running? how long and at how many iu of gh?

wat was your wieght?

Yeah I know, I've always had a problem with chest, I shoulders always take over.

Sus, eod
EQ, 600mg
Mast, 100mg eod
Proviron, 75mg ed
GH, 6ius 5/6 days awk
You look great. Negatives super sets inclined and dumbbell flies every 3 third day after your normal routine. and work in 2 sets every day. It won't take to long for your chest to respond.
You look great. Negatives super sets inclined and dumbbell flies every 3 third day after your normal routine. and work in 2 sets every day. It won't take to long for your chest to respond.

Your saying to super set, inclined and dumbbell flies on the 3rd day after my normal chest workout? How many sets do you suggest and what did you mean about doing 2 sets every day.

Your saying to super set, inclined and dumbbell flies on the 3rd day after my normal chest workout? How many sets do you suggest and what did you mean about doing 2 sets every day.


^^^^x2 - sounds great Pirate - but I didn't totally get it either - work in 2 sets of db flies every day?

Miro - looking awesome IMO - what was your cycle exactly and what was your
weight change? and the length (weeks)? Did you loose a lot of bf? Props!

Thanks bro
I would have to say that instead of a bunch of super setting really kill the chest when hitting it. And best would be to learn how not to use youre delts when doing bench etc.

Other then that, youre looking good! Dont really think youre chest is lagging that much but better pics would tell more (linepose, sidechest)