Recent pics........................

Usually do push/pull theory,.but everything in this week and get my.mind back into it
haven't taken .this amount of.time off from gym in 4 years lol
My lean bulk diet
see how she goes

Meal 1

5 whole eggs, 1white bagel, 1white banana

Meal 2

7oz lean ground pork, 1cup white pasta

Meal 3

7oz lean ground pork, 1 cup white pasta

Meal 4

8oz chicken breast, 1. 5 cups white rice

Meal 5

8oz chicken breast, 1white can tuna
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Last night
i know not going to change over night
but been hitting arms after following my normal weekly routine every night to try to shock them
lighter weight and higher reps/ dropsets or whatever just trying dif stuff
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hey ur looking a good bit healthyer now than when u posted a couple wqeeks back when all you coulkd think about was that damn woman.
u still trippin over her of what man? Looks like u may have let it go.
(noy to bring that soap opera up again but I think it was truly playing a roll on his overall health, was showing that that shit was killing him, matt. Literally.)
Yeah bro and thanks soldier, everyday is getting better it, and i try to.push forward as other my.ex tries to get but.i try now nice and i.dont attitude and.been.working
but all in all.been back.eating solid days the.gym hitting :)
next week back to reg schedule 4-5 days a week, trying no to take more.time off the gym jobs anyways to.give my.muscles more rest to.grow
Starting to relax more.and listen
stay humble,.and take good advice
the advice i liked was more gym, do to my physical job and eat, rest and grow
now lean bulk been pretty consistent now with my meals starting to put back on the weight
guess i take it like i have been ill for a good few weeks to a month not eating and lacking the training
but its all coming back slowly but surely, thanks dudes :)
Keeping my chin up and pushing forward, splits suck never would effect me this much but this is the first time with a child my daughter involved so it hurts but.ill be there always for my daughter
Last night
Hit chest
starting to now eat, train better, taking care of myself and not.worrying whats going on,just going with the flow, everyday is.getting better :)
Funny u say that about chest as i hardly go hard on my chest, or day keep it simple for chest
I will take that into consideration tho forsure, and thanks
one thing i do believe myself and others as a guy approach me at the gym yesterday and said everything looks awesome but your triceps are lagging and i 100 percent agree with him and others on.this forum trying to shock my arms, hitting them from dif angles, low weight high reps, anything and everything
worked out with.a Canadian bb last he showed me some stuff for triceps yesterday as he was the one that approached me,
For one where i got an awesome pump was setting a flat bench under cable machine resting your elbow on top ofnbench so it stays locked and reverse single arm pull down, felt great and no shoulders involved strickly.tricep
Ordered up some dbol
lol believe me but never run dbol before lol
always injections hardly no orals
gonna add in 30mg ed to currently 800 test, 600 deca
just bumped my test up from 500 to 800mg last week and started deca last week as well
Gonna run dbol for 4-5 weeks when it comes in later this week
recommended splitting the dosage up they come in 10mg pills
what u guys recommend?
ai set for .5 eod
I think your gonna like the Dbol bro !
split your dosage through the day , 10mg morning, lunch, evening. You'll prob need to up your AI while running it .
being your running it with deca at 600mg, you definitely need to have a DA on hand or even be taking it proactively (caber, prami). keep an eye on and monitor your blood pressure daily.

Dbol, hits hard and fast (and your taking a ton of test and deca with it), so be aware of the "estrogen bomb" , keep on top of it daily!
Hi Matt ! You look good man but I do not understand why the Dbol? I believe with the dose of Test at 800mg and the Deca at 600mg you will have enough to gain more lean LMM. It is my belief that the Dbol will just make it harder to keep the water n sides down. But that is JUST ME.

It might add to your strength when IT kicks in and that would be fun. Hope your source is good for the Dbol.

Matt I know you are quite experienced but I just caution you about 800mg of Test with Dbol coming in later and the sides it can cause. With that being said and as I stated on my post "Current Cycle" pay close attention to how you feel as in all the other sides with the increased "E" level.

Good Luck and keep us updated as you usually do. I want to hear how this Dbol effects you since my current cycle is 600mgs WK, both Deca and Test. :)
Will do bro i dont get estrogen bad, but we will.see with dbol
just wanted to try it as i just stick to injectables myself
never run dbol before, done drol but wasnt from same source
And thanks will do very happy with this source as been with them for about a year now
well known source in canada and been around for quite sometime
My ai is set for .5 eod
should i leave it there for right now?
i have prami on hand i haven't had to use it
and dont care too lol, but wondering if .5 eod is fine for starters with the added dbol now
but no do like to experiment lol, ran test, deca, and tren together without.any issues except.aggression , not gonna run tren for abit of time tho i dont see the aggression but others do
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