Ben I heard that eating carbs makes you a communist.
lol all I know is that I can eat carbs right up til showtime - and still get ripped as a mofo!
I don't feel shite, my weight doesn't fluctuate rapidly, everything is controlled and progressive.
The dude is clearly struggling - and he's still saying he feels better without carbs!
What's the point of taking Tren and other gear when you STILL have to do something as drastic as keto?
Like I said, if he was a 25 stone guy with a sedentary lifestyle and not running gear, then fair enough.
But all you have to do is run a calorie deficit and the weight will come off.
Your workout intensity won't suffer, energy levels in a manual job will be fine and you'll generally feel better in yourself.
By all means restrict carbs - but why cut the fuckers out completely!?
By the way, I STILL maintain that Matt's issue isn't with what he's running, or even in fact what he was eating - it's his training.
If he was training optimally, everything would be falling into place right now, his arms wouldn't look like they do, his lean muscle mass to fat ratio would be much better and his metabolism would be racing.
But he knows that. I've said it on numerous occasions.