Recovery with Anabolics for Women


New member
Hello all,
I am new to the site so trying out writing my first post. I am a female bodybuilder, started about 2 years ago. I have had some nagging injuries that have bothered me for at least 6 months now despite my efforts to rest certain areas and not lift when my injured areas feel irritated. I have been reading a lot of these threads about what works best for recovery and it seems like the most common response is testosterone. As a female I am hesitant to take testosterone and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what other good options may be? Any and all advice is super appreciated.
Thanks for your help guys!
I should say right now that most anabolics, including test, will make joint & tendon injuries worse if you plan to continue training:

Effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids and heavy strength training ... - PubMed - NCBI

Deca and EQ are the main anabolics that may help with soft tissue injuries but even here the effect is extremely overrated & neither of these compounds are recommended for women.
GH may have benefits but the price & time of healing are 2 major problems with this.
IMO, tb500 would be worth looking into provided the injuries your referring to have nothing to do with structural issues.

Those are the main choices that come to mind but, as 3J said, it really depends on what sort of injuries we're dealing with here.
I know of females taking S4, it has beneficial tendon and ligament attributes. What's your injury.
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