Red sore and very itchy Glutes


New member
Evening guys,

I'm in need of some advice before I start panicking. I started a Deca Durabolin cycle on the 19th december at 1ml per shot (if needed i can state the lab but I don't want my post removed). I've injecting it twice a week to heal my joint as I picked up a serious shoulder injury. I last had my injection on monday the 31st and on wednesday the second I woke up with a sore ass. All the spots my girlfriend injected for me have now gone hard like a golf ball, really red and extremely hot. The areas are extremely itchy, once I start I literally can't stop! I was due to have another injection on thursday but I skipped it as I've been a bit worried. I've read loads of threads on forums but non have stated the severe heat and itchy sensation. I'm due to inject again tomorrow but both glutes are red, lumpy and rock solid.

When preparing I use a clean syringe, always do it when I'm straight out the shower and I always leave the needle in a glass of hot water for a minute or two. My girl always pulls back very slightly to check for blood then injects it slowly for about 5-10 seconds then rubs the area with a cotton patch.
First couple of weeks were fine until I'm guessing it reacted. I'm using a blue pin needle which is about 1.25 inches long, I will confirm tomorrow when I'm back home. I've been rubbing Urax onto the areas to try and stop the itching and cool it down but it doesn't really work at all. I'm due to jab tomorrow again and I'm considering doing it in my quad but I can't have it swell up or go red like my glutes as it would be too obvious.

Can anybody enlighten me with there knowledge or put my mind at ease please. I've booked an appointment with my doctors but the next available date is friday and I'm hoping it'll disappear by then.

Also I've tried rubbing the areas in a hot bath for pro longed periods of time. I've taken a picture of the area it self with nothing else showing (obviously) if that would be useful.

Thank you in advance
What do you mean you leave the needle in hot water? That needle should come straight out the pack and in to your ass.
It sounds like a problem with your gear , maybe u are having a reaction to something in it , or your gear is not clean . What brand is it , u can post the brand , u just cant post the source (site) . Is this your first cycle ? have u had this happen before ?
@scotty - Once I've withdrawn the Deca from the vial and it is in the needle/tube I normally leave it in a glass of warm water for a minute. My brother advised me to do so.

Facyhuh - This is the first time I've ever cycled an injectable, so this is the first time I've encountered this problem. I'm at work at the moment but i'll post up the lab later on tonight. The source is reliable as my brothers always purchased it from him and never encountered the same problem. I showed him a picture and he had gotten the red patch from one injection but not from every hit.
@scotty - Once I've withdrawn the Deca from the vial and it is in the needle/tube I normally leave it in a glass of warm water for a minute. My brother advised me to do so.

Facyhuh - This is the first time I've ever cycled an injectable, so this is the first time I've encountered this problem. I'm at work at the moment but i'll post up the lab later on tonight. The source is reliable as my brothers always purchased it from him and never encountered the same problem. I showed him a picture and he had gotten the red patch from one injection but not from every hit.

The needle/end of the syringe should never, ever, ever touch anything but your skin.

If you've been leaving the needle/syringe submerged you are going to have some nasty abcesses/infections all over your ass. If this is the case, get to a doctor and tell him something blatantly retarded like you feel like you have bacterial infections from running ass-first in to a bee hive.
The needle itself never touches the water as its still in the casing. So I doubt that'd be the problem, eapecially as my betters been doing it for years.

Suppose I can't cross anything off the list though :/
you either allergic to something in the gear, or you got bad gear... deca should be smooth and painless
Warm your vial before pulling in the syringe if you must warm it up. If its room temp there's really no reason to warm it anyway.
Mattyice - that's what I heard, that's why I made the enquiry on here.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Would you recommend anything else as a replacement for deca or should I try a different lab?

Ill warm the vial up next time smadizm.