clemens is much of a head hunter as pedro. and nelson is a pussy for fighting a school teacher who had a red sox flag in there dug out. not to mention pedros pitch hit karim garcia's bat. none the ess the sox did blow it yesterday. and also zimmer deserved what he got. you go after some one u get what u get and thats it.
Thanks to redman I am sporting my first avatar, i believe the caption should say "Yankees Suck!".....We are praying for rain so Burkett doesnt have to start tonight. Maybe Pedro will grow so balls and ask for the ball tonight. We already know the Yanklesses cant handle the knuck of wakefield
Game 7 is going to be off the hook. Couldnt ask for a better build up with all the drama going on and pedro against clemens. The ratings are going to blow up tonight and set records......Yankees SUCK!
Ladies and gentlemen.....the greatest game in baseball history is about to commence tonight....Boston Redsox Vs. New York Yankees. Pedro Vs. Clemens......the ultimate battle......THis is unreal....THe redsox have more they will win
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