Rehabing a Knee


New member
Hey, I'm assuming y'all know your shit here so here goes.

I have partially torn ligaments in both of my knees. (LCL, MCL) And I have no insurance and cannot afford going to the rehab or getting a gym membership. I was wondering if y'all could help me by sharing some sort of a rehab exercise that I could do. I do not own any weights of any kind either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
do heaps of stuff in a pool,walking running , swimming to maintain/increase ROM
do heaps of iso contractions with your knee out straight, you are going to need to strengthen hammys and quads.
eventually move to some wall squats, steps,cycling, and then look to do some leg presses, squats etc

stay away from leg extensions
inked gave you some good info. You might also want to check around on the internet to see if there is some info for you there. Maybe look for a rehab/physio/chiro forum somewhere.
sineater4 said:
Hey, I'm assuming y'all know your shit here so here goes.

I have partially torn ligaments in both of my knees. (LCL, MCL) And I have no insurance and cannot afford going to the rehab or getting a gym membership. I was wondering if y'all could help me by sharing some sort of a rehab exercise that I could do. I do not own any weights of any kind either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

im assuming you do not lift?
how did you hurt your knee?
last- I would not fuck around with this sort of injury i would seek professional help..nothing wrong with what inked said its just that everything is different from one knee to the next..this is something you need a Dr for..
No, I don't lift at all. Never really have.

I hurt the left one playing football, I jumped and it popped. The second was while playing basketball and it popped when I jumped also.

I went to a doctor and go them checked out, but I'm gonna be paying that bill forever (no insurance) and I definately can't afford going to the rehab center or getting a gym membership.
Regarding the insurance, I don't know where you're from, but I would definitely looking into getting some government assistance for paying that bill. If you've got a low-income (which it sounds like you probably do) then you can get help from government at both the state and federal level. I've been in your shoes and only found out later that I could have gotten some help paying the bills.