Retired Veteran/Novice bodybuilder looking for advice


New member
Hello all,
I have been into weightlifting/bodybuilding since before I enilisted in the U.S. Marines in 1984. It has been a challenge over the years as I started a family...deployed to places across the globe and back again...divorced...retired...started a second career ect. I have never "geared up" before but I have always been curious what the results might bring if I did. Lately I am just looking to keep up a decent physique (at 50)...keep the spare tire away....boost my libido back to where I can hammer nails with it again LOL...and fight off aching joint pain without taking any of thoe freaking Horse pills they seel out of the local CVS/Walgreens ect. I recently (last week) had my T levels tested and the total testosterone was 341 which the Doc said was "normal"...somehow I disagree but whatever...he is the one with the PhD. I feel pretty young for my age and still want to stay jacked and chase the girls...but 20 years in Combat Arms in the military has beat me up a little. Any guidance? Thanks.

BTW I am 5'9...200 (I want to scale down to about 175 but jacked)
welcome to 'ology bro!! My TT a few months ago was 300 somthing too. i started TRT at a super low dose, only 100mg test cyp/week, & all that which u described has come back....libido, energy, ect. You may want to go to a mens clinic if u have one near you. Im just saying TRT does wonders, even at a low dose, like im on:) Im 40, & my levels, i beleive, got tanked from opiate drug abuse. Either way, TRT has helped, alot. My fiance is smoking hot & it would bug the piss outta of us both when mini me wouldnt stand at ATTENTION. no problems there anymore. u could see her on my profile page,lol! Let me know how things go going forward, hope all good bro. thnx for serving our country btw!!! Plus I may got a few questions for you somtime, so stick around....
Welcome bro! How long have you been seriously working out for? Whats your diet like? Let us know how we can help out!