Reusing syringes....can I use the same one twice ?


New member
Doing twice a week injections (monday & thurdays) and running short on cannons, anyone have any tips on either cleaning a syringe or is their gonna be any real problem with using the same syringe from the last injection ?
Bad idea.......furthermore, I cant believe there are pieces of advice given here that are saying 'its ok' and 'not as bad as you think' and 'infections are a myth' that's crazy. If you had enough money to go pick up some gear go pick up the proper amount of syringes you need as well. Do it right, or don't do it at all.
Infections are largely a myth

It's all fun and games until you're having 30mL of pus drained from your leg and they have to stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey with gauze to keep that GIGANTIC hole that used to be your hard-earned muscle from caving in as they bandage it. On the bright side, I'm fairly certain Darwinism will take care of you. :)
It's all fun and games until you're having 30mL of pus drained from your leg and they have to stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey with gauze to keep that GIGANTIC hole that used to be your hard-earned muscle from caving in as they bandage it. On the bright side, I'm fairly certain Darwinism will take care of you. :)

Listen to this right here, I have seen what Halfs talking about right here, a friend of mine had this happen, and its not pretty or something you want to have happen to you.
I NEVER reuse needles, draw and pin with different needles, don't leave the needles exposed, swab with alco wipes three times and still managed to get an infection in my felt. It sucks dude I got fevers, upper body turned red, could barely move my arm and was out of action for about 3 days

Whoever said infections are a myth. You are an idiot.