Rich Piana talks about HCG


I watched a video of Rich Piana talking about HCG and how it should not be ran while using gear. He makes some good points in the video. Just wondering if anybody has seen this video and changed the way way they run HCG? I've never used HCG, I've done two test only cycles but I'm thinking for my 3rd cycle to do another test only cycle or test and deca. I've also watched another video where he says if you're running a stack to switch it up during your cycle. Like run test and deca and mid point drop the deca and run tren with your test. Anybody tired something like that?
Having an incredible physique doesn't somehow change the laws of physics or how drugs work in the body. I enjoy his candor about drugs, but I really don't like the advice he presents. HCG during a cycle is to prevent complete shut down of the testes. As AAS tells your pituitary gland to take a nap, using another hormone that mimics the leutinizing hormone from the pituitary gland aids in recovery and backfills other hormone pathways (adrenals/thyroid/etc). This aids in recovery, which should be of utmost importance imo.

Changing compounds in a cycle can be done if the duration is long enough, but given how many of the AAS used has an ester requiring up to 4 weeks or more to build up in the system, it seems pretty pointless to me. Even with shorter esters like propionate or acetate, it's a good two weeks or more.

Feel free to try, but I'd take my advice from folks that aren't hunting for YouTube views.
I wish that Piana guy would take that stupid video down. If I had a nickle for every guy that sees it and asks this question I would have a lot of nickles.
I've seen Rich Piana say some ridiculously stupid shit... How hCG counteracts AAS and confuses your body.

It's sad, I love that he's an open and honest guy, but some of the shit he spills about juice is absolute broscience to the fucking max. He also claims that he cycles... Personally I doubt this and I believe he blast/cruises and needs to cut down on the synthol.

Apart from that it's wierd, I have a lot of respect for him and his point of view and stance on the bodybuilding industry except for what I just mentioned above.
Do you think he really is using synthol? I see people going on about it in the comment sections of his videos, I just don't see the point in lying about it if he is so open about everything else. In the video where he addressed it, saying how he has used it before but isn't a fan, I couldn't see any signs of him talking shit either. Interested in what you's think
I think he's just a genetically gifted big mother fucker, that's juiced to the max. Whatever he's doing is working, maybe it's the ice cream he eats before bed every night :) lol
I like the guy when he was with mutant but ever since he went on his own it seems like he has lost his marbles on a lot of stuff incl his personality!
It's almost like he doesn't have anybody now since he left mutant to guide the right direction, now he has all the freedom of speech and doesn't have to worry about what he says or does cause he is now on his own
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i love it when these guys post videos and make claims like this..

someone who understands his own body and what works for him is about as narrow minded as a horse with blinds..

i see alot of guys who are ifbb pro try to make their own claims about how shit should be done.. and thats ok i guess.. they worked for credibility.. but it doesn't mean they are always credible..
Do you think he really is using synthol? I see people going on about it in the comment sections of his videos, I just don't see the point in lying about it if he is so open about everything else. In the video where he addressed it, saying how he has used it before but isn't a fan, I couldn't see any signs of him talking shit either. Interested in what you's think

Wake up and smell the roses bro... Or should I say open your eyes. Synthol does wonders when used in small amounts, but Piana has gone to far... Muscle does not distinctly flop around like his does.
I really look up to Rich. I think he's a stand up guy. I also look up to a lot guys on this board. Some things I read on here make sense and a lot of what Rich says makes sense. I have no experience with HCG but really considering it with my 3rd cycle. How Rich says to use it makes a lot sense to me. I was once told to run clomid during my cycle as well as with my PCT to help with the nut shrinkage but then also told not to because it can eliminate some of the gains while on gear and only run clomid on PCT. I think for my 3rd cycle I'm going to run HCG as part of my PCT.
I really look up to Rich. I think he's a stand up guy. I also look up to a lot guys on this board. Some things I read on here make sense and a lot of what Rich says makes sense. I have no experience with HCG but really considering it with my 3rd cycle. How Rich says to use it makes a lot sense to me. I was once told to run clomid during my cycle as well as with my PCT to help with the nut shrinkage but then also told not to because it can eliminate some of the gains while on gear and only run clomid on PCT. I think for my 3rd cycle I'm going to run HCG as part of my PCT.

Why would you use hCG during PCT? Do you understand how the HPTA works and how hCG mimics LH - thus making it HPTA suppressive?
Rich is using the hcg as a bridge so he does not lose his gains then goes rite back on cycle after he stops taking the hcg. That's a bridge that's not recovery if he used all that hcg then went natty for a while that's different but he can't go natty because that amount of hcg Will desensitize your lh for good so it's the only way the guy can get his balls to produce test is blasting that much no pct would recover that guy.
Do you think he really is using synthol? I see people going on about it in the comment sections of his videos, I just don't see the point in lying about it if he is so open about everything else. In the video where he addressed it, saying how he has used it before but isn't a fan, I couldn't see any signs of him talking shit either. Interested in what you's think

Are you kidding me bro! Good muscles ate watery and flabby as hell. Complete synthol king he just doesn't say he does it because he does not want kids doing it.
Piana is great if you want to hear stories and hear a "no-bullshit" take on PED use, but when he starts to spew "science" is when you have to take it with a grain of salt. He graduated valedictorian at Bro-Science University.
You also have to wonder if some of these guys actually do what they say they do or is it just BS. Clearly Piana has figured out something that works for him but thats not to say it works for anyone else or in fact thats even what he does.
You also have to wonder if some of these guys actually do what they say they do or is it just BS. Clearly Piana has figured out something that works for him but thats not to say it works for anyone else or in fact thats even what he does.

I'm pretty sure he's on a high dose of test for TRT. I've seen first hand how atrophy sets in when your natural test production can no longer support the muscles you're carrying. He's a big fella, and I seriously doubt he can come off; a great example is Carrot Top, dude was yoked - but he was told people enjoyed him more as a skinny dude. He's now pretty average after coming off the hormones. I have wondered if he went hypogonadal on purpose to lose all that mass so quickly, or he did something else.

Either way, we can never take something for its face value when the source of information has a reason to lie/deceive - money is a powerful motivator, that's for sure.