Right pectoralis pain


Competing soon...
I had a chest workout yesterday. After that I felt a pain in my right pectoralis, pure muscle pain, injury. Today the pain is still present. Really strong pain. My friend is telling me that I breaked a limit, thats a good thing. But I still think it is an injury. I had proper and slow movements while benching. Do you think this is something I should worry about? Of course, I wont do chest a few days. I think it is because I had a great progress last 4 weeks (+25lbs on bench).
Sorry about my english.
No discoloration. Everything is ok.. The feeling is close as when muscle is sore, but much stronger. Uncomfortable. I will work chest on monday, I hope that pain will dissapear, and that my muscle will recover.. Really strange, my form on bench is so slow and perfect... what could went wrong..
IFBBPro said:
Sorry about my english.
No discoloration. Everything is ok.. The feeling is close as when muscle is sore, but much stronger. Uncomfortable. I will work chest on monday, I hope that pain will dissapear, and that my muscle will recover.. Really strange, my form on bench is so slow and perfect... what could went wrong..

wasnt poking fun just didnt know what the expression meant
i prolly wouldnt work chest monday except for some super light stuff just to flush some blood in teh area
DougoeFre5h said:
Slight tear in the muscle, let it heal.
exactly. done it twice myself. took FOREVER to heal, partly because i was a dipshit and didn't rest it. let it heal.