"Right to Bear Arms" are you against or for.

Are you for Gun ownership rights or Against ?

  • for

    Votes: 12 92.3%
  • against

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
About 80 million Americans, representing half of U.S. homes, own more than 223 million guns. And yet, 60% of Democrats and 30% of Republicans favor stronger gun ownership laws.

State gun laws vary widely from loose regulations in many southern, western and rural states to restrictive laws in the largest cities.

Gun rights are granted by the Second Amendment, which reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

All political viewpoints agree that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of the government to maintain an armed militia to protect the nation. But disagreement historically existed as to whether or not it guarantees the right of all persons to own/use guns any place and at any time..

So what do you think ?? Should we have the right to bear arms or NOt ?
i'm all for it but we are not allowd to use them to keep the peace the way we could before. and also they should only be used or bought by those that have there head checked by a doctor.
i have the right to carry arms , i have a concealed weopens permit ,i have guns and i do carry at almost all times.
Don't even get me started, amigo. I carry 24/7/365. I'm fortunate enough to live in the free State of Arizona and work for an employer that is very pro 2A. Our COO, CFO, and my department direct all carry, too.
My gun is my shadow it follows me everywhere I go, and no cyto I'm not crazy LOL,..........maybe a little..
we have so many laws in canada about guns its sick. as a kid growing up i could walk to the bush with my riffle. but now if they catch me i'm screwed.
i'm just over 6 foot.
It was so important they made it the 2nd Amendment. I carry a .40 Glock. No point in stricter gun laws, criminals don't follow the law anyway.... nor do many of us good guys ;-)
I have a gun..............................in between my legs and it gets daily use.

I live in Canada gun laws are screwed here. I was about to get my license a few years ago but it's to much bullshit I just said screw it.
I think we should be able to own as many guns and whatever type of guns we choose to have.

The government needs to get their nose out of our business and this country needs to go back to how our founding four fathers made it.
I'm going to say you USA'rs should have the right to bear arms because 99% of criminals that do crime with guns get their firearms illegally anyways so you should have a fair chance to protect yourself legally!