Riptropin vs Hygetropin ?


New member
I've done a ton of research on the subject and these two look like the best options for gh on the market. I got a football season coming up and am running low on eligibility, also coming off an acl reconstruction so I really need to get the best stuff possible to heal my knee.

Just wondering for people who have tried both which they got better results with.
I am interested in the answer to this question aswell. Never used either. I dont have access to Hygetropin but would like to know what is what when it comes to the best GH
I've done a ton of research on the subject and these two look like the best options for gh on the market. I got a football season coming up and am running low on eligibility, also coming off an acl reconstruction so I really need to get the best stuff possible to heal my knee.

Just wondering for people who have tried both which they got better results with.

Hyges have been scoring better on bloods but rips are good to but some people complain about water weight with the rips tho. Go for the the hygs...Remember both these brands are Chinese GH so it not near as good as pharm grade...
Get bloods as well if you want to be sure your getting good GH.
Unless u gonna be on for 6months and better don't waste u r money.

Well I need it for my knee, I'm not using hgh much for the bodybuilding side but for the healing part. Thanks for the responses too, I can't afford to shell out this cash for it and get bunk stuff. I'm even selling my car just to help with the cash for this, I'm putting everything into this to salvage my football career pretty much.

I know I can't discuss the sources but wondering if some of you could pm me? I'm Canadian btw if that matters.
Even for healing you should use it for 3 to 4 months minimum. Be safe, brother. Don't over stress yourself and end up destroying the career you're trying to salvage. And go with hyge. I'm about to order some of the brown tops myself
For healing I would grab TB500 peptide first. Way cheaper and it does amazing stuff for healing. I'm proof of it.

Will consider it but I'm looking for something that will actually heal my ligament. I've heard some crazy stories of fast recoveries from hgh on repaired acl's. I'll do some research but I'm not sure if tb500 would strengthen a new ligament.
All they are is stories bro nothing about hgh is fast. Like rip said tb500 will work faster and save you a ton of cash
What about mixing the two? Also what kind of dosage per week of tb500 will I need to be on? I've seen 4mg from some people. If I run it for two months it's going to cost me as much as a kit of hgh.
Dude yeah! I forgot about tb 500. It actually repairs shit way faster. even produces new boss vessels and shit to help. Great stuff. I need some
What about mixing the two? Also what kind of dosage per week of tb500 will I need to be on? I've seen 4mg from some people. If I run it for two months it's going to cost me as much as a kit of hgh.

You could do both but even GH didn't make my back, shoulder, and knee feel better like TB500. I would start at 5mg per week of TB500. So 2 shots per week at 2.5mg each and run it like that for 4-6 weeks. Then a maintenance dose is once per month after that of 2-5mg. I would do the maintenance dose of twice per month. The stuff is a lot cheaper than GH and the affects are very fast acting. It's been a miracle peptide for me.
I've heard amazing stuff about TB500 bros. I definitely want to get my hands on some

You definitely need to. It has amazing healing properties man. I was very skeptical until I ordered some and saw the hype. Another family friend of mine who is in 50's has a torn minicus (knee) and he is running now and not having any issues. The TB500 cleared his problem up in a matter of 1 month. He is ecstatic about the stuff. Sorry to hijack your thread OP, but I really think you need to run some of this. Moderator JimiThing has a good log on that stuff on here. Here it is....
You could do both but even GH didn't make my back, shoulder, and knee feel better like TB500. I would start at 5mg per week of TB500. So 2 shots per week at 2.5mg each and run it like that for 4-6 weeks. Then a maintenance dose is once per month after that of 2-5mg. I would do the maintenance dose of twice per month. The stuff is a lot cheaper than GH and the affects are very fast acting. It's been a miracle peptide for me.

So just to be sure your saying take the maintenance dose once every two weeks after that? The more research I've done I'm really leaning toward doing the tb500 forsure and then still do some hgh on top. Also how long should I run this stuff for? Would it be alright if I only ran it for 3 months or do I have to for longer?

Also how much bac water should I add to each 2mg vial? Oh and last question is I've read after you add the water the stuff is only good for a little over a week, so what's the deal on that? Thanks alot for the help I really appreciate it.
So just to be sure your saying take the maintenance dose once every two weeks after that? The more research I've done I'm really leaning toward doing the tb500 forsure and then still do some hgh on top. Also how long should I run this stuff for? Would it be alright if I only ran it for 3 months or do I have to for longer?

Also how much bac water should I add to each 2mg vial? Oh and last question is I've read after you add the water the stuff is only good for a little over a week, so what's the deal on that? Thanks alot for the help I really appreciate it.

I have been on this stuff for 3 months now and I love it. You can get by with once a month maintenance dose from what I have read, I just like the stuff so I do it twice per month to be safe. You can add 1ml of bac water to the 5mg vial. Then take 1/2 ml twice per week. Its up to you how much volume you want to inject. They say its only good for a week so if you are doing twice a week injects you are fine. It won't completely degrade by the 7th day so I wouldn't sweat it bro.
So if I haven't reconstructed the stuff should I leave it in the fridge or just out in my room, and same with the reconstructed stuff?
That is it for the questions and thanks again!