RJ's Slin theory journal....


On Vacation
Well, its not my Slin theory, but its something that i have been wanting to try, and Doug and TX asked me to document this when I tried it.

Here is the basic layout of what it entails:


Here is the layout of my training and diet breakdown:

Mon - Legs [Slin day]
Tues - Chest/Delts
Wed - Off
Thurs - Back [Slin day]
Fri - Off
Sat - Arms
Sun - Off

Basic low volume with some arm work at the end of the week, mainly just some add-in touch up work which suprisingly has done well in the last couple months. Will prolly drop it next changeover.

BF - 10-11%

GH - 4ius/d (all at once in the am when I get up)
Test E - 750mg/week
Tren E - 400mg/week
Aromasin - 12.5mg/E3D
Proviron - 50mg/ED
T3 - 50mcg/ED
IGF-1 - 100mcg/d PWO - 3 weeks on/ 4 weeks off (alternating with Slin)

*** this will be the first go at this new Slin protocol***
Humalog @ 10ius at 1230pm/630pm(PWO)/130am [I work nights] on Leg day and Back day, thus allowing full saturation of the muscle cells. Bedtime will be at 6am.


*Slin Days*
Cals - 4300
Pro - 350
Carbs - 535

*Non-Slin Days*
Cals - 3300
Pro - 350
Carbs - 360

The on/off days carbs may increase depending on how my body responds, as it may have the need for more carbs. But this may work fine for me as it is the summer and this new method supposedly keeps the fat to a minimum as well. During the winter months, barring this going well for me, i would obvioulsy incorporate more carbs on the on AND off days.

i will try and keep this updated every day. I plan on this run being 4 weeks at this point, but we'll see how it goes.

***edit*** after my first shot this AM, i had to adjust back up to my original 10g carbs/iu like I have done before. got a little hypo, so the layout has changed already. lol
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Day 1:

Woke up this am and took my first 10iu shot of 'Log. Ate a meal with about 70g of carbs and realized within about 1.5 hours that my thoughts of going with less than 10g carbs/iu was not very sound. So I sdjusted my meals accordingly back up to my usual 10g/iu of Slin.

PWO took another 10ius with a 50/50 split of fast/slow carbs, then ate an hour later and felt no signs of hypogylcemia. Will be taking the last 10iu shot in about 20 minutes with another 100g of carbs.


Legs- also started DC's 'Extreme Stretching' tonight after my workout. Jesus Christ that shit hurt, but i feel much better than usual.

405 x 10
405 x 10
405 x 8
Leg Ext
225 x 15
225 x 15
225 x 13
195 x 15
195 x 15
Lying Leg Curls
130 x 12
130 x 10

Overall felt very good today, with the exception of the mild hypo symptoms this morning, but i know how to deal with that. Training was great. Stomach feels very full from the excess carbs obviously. but no bloating to speak of.

Don't notice any excess fullness to the muscles yet but have sustained a nice pump thru most of the evening, so maybe that is a start.
mister69 said:
DC stretches are very good.

Great #'s btw.

RJ you keep impressing me each day man....good luck

thanks bro. i have to say the 4 months I took off from doing squats (i did fronts instead) really allowed my knees to recover well. f course the start of the GH therapy prolly had something to do with it as well. lol

anyway, feeling good. eating this 1.5 cups of brown rice right now though is for the birds. BLAH!
Yeah i hear ya on the food thing, sometimes i have to focus on somehting else while eating ahhahhaha
pullinbig said:
rj in da house.

i was hoping you would stop by. :)

Day 2: 4/25/2006

Did about 2 hours of yardwork today with the wife so i was a bit beat going into the gym tonight, so i decided to do incline BB to start, as I am naturally weaker at that lift, but it wasn't too bad i guess.

Incline BB
275 x 10
275 x 8
275 x 6
Flat DB
120 x 10
120 x 7
Weighted Dips
BW+45 x 15
BW+45 x 13
(shoulders were fried at this point)
Reverse Flyes
65 x 15
65 x 12
Extreme Stretching
Weighted Abs
100 x 30
100 x 25

Felt a bit less vascular throughout the day than I have lately, maybe due to some water retention due to the sudden increase in carbs yesterday. With that said, when I woke up this morning and went in to take a piss, i noticed a shitload of veins running across the teardrop of both thighs that have never been there before??????

Diet was spot on all day with the exception of a cheat meal tonight at my 1030PM meal.

Legs feel very full today though. And not as sore as usual, which can only be attributed to the stretching i guess.
btw, i think i will weigh myself at the start of each week. Off day tomorrow, so just eating and resting.
pullinbig said:
looking forward to this. real life experince over some dumbass study any day. :D

i heart pullinbig.

btw, i will be calling you soon J, Madine and i will be in your neck of the woods in September and November for her last two shows this year. She looks yummmmmy too. :D
RJ, your threads and posts are always the most informative. I'll be reading this log for sure.

Somebody will have to tell me about this DC extreme stretching thing.
mranak said:
RJ, your threads and posts are always the most informative. I'll be reading this log for sure.

Somebody will have to tell me about this DC extreme stretching thing.

thanks man.

PB, i'll call you this weekend if we have time. Gotta help some folks move. FUN! :(

Anyway, back to the journal.

Day 3 - 4/26/2006:

Today is an off day and I thought about not posting anything, but just to keep with the pace i have going, i will post up something.


Food has been about an hour off each meal as I woke up a bit earlier than normal, but it should adjust back as I have a party for my employees at work tonight, so i will be chowing on some steak/potatoes/shrimp. Yum yum!! Still seeing a nice amount of fullness to the muscle, abs seem a little less crisp, but who knows, could just be me over-analyzing.

Anyway, hitting back tomorrow, so we'll see how the second day of Slin goes.


More damn yardwork today. Sucks. :rolleyes:
mister69 said:
hey RJ are you bulking up now or triyng to lean out ?what is your target weight?

just trying to stay leaner all year round now, but will still alternate cals thru different times of the year (winter - higher, summer - lower).

Weight? Don't really care. I am looking lean at my current weight, but i could be leaner (not prep lean or anything like that) so i am not sure. Mainly, if my BP stays down, my weight is fine. As long as I am healthy and can still bone Madine without feeeling like I am gonna run outta breath, I am good cardio wise. lol

But if I had to guess, i would say 230-240 @ 9% would suit me just fine. But again, not stressing over the scale. Will only be weighing myself for this experiement as I usually don't.

btw, note about today, still had those sick veins across the lower thigh today. Ham/glute tie-in is looking really good as well. Did I say I love the GH? :)