RJ's Slin theory journal....

RJH8541 said:
Day 8 - 5/1/2006:

Felt great today. Woke up full, hungry, and still lean. Vascularity is down justa tad, but still look and feel hard as hell. Hungrier each day I swear. Wasn't able to step on the scale cause the gym one was broken and I didn't want to use the one at home cause it is different. Doesn't matter anyway, I will wait until it is fixed.


All meals in plus a power cookie (this great choco thing at the gym they sell, fixes my cravings and ain't that bad for me) thus far. Also, didn't go hypo at all today, so i think adding some fast carbs during the SLin inject meals has helped tremendously.


Felt stronger than last week even. Decided to go a bit heavy with some lower reps on squats today. If there is one thing great about Slin, its the strength gains.


415 x 11
455 x 6
495 x 3
20 plates x 20
24 plates x 13
Lean Outs (this is like a GnHR on your knees on the ground I guess, easiest way to describe it. They fucking hurt like hell.)
2 sets of 12-15

Let me say that I have a severe phobia about throwing up, always have, but tonight I almost puked (tasted a bit in my throat. YUCK!!). I was so fucking drained after this workout, i could barely walk to my car. BLAAHHHHHH!!!

Overall great day, strong, full, still lean, and tons of energy. Actually, haven't gotten that normal tired feeling i normally get after my once daily Slin injects that I used to do. Hmmmmm...

Till tomorrow.

its called a po man's ghr.
RJH8541 said:
yep. just lie face down on a bench with your knees off the edge (just like a lying leg curl). Have someone put the DB between your feet, and go to town. It takes a bit more control, but i like it cause it makes you go strict with lighter weight.

Again, i don't do this that often, mainly when i want to finish them off after a lighter day of training legs.

id rather see madine doing these than your tested up ass. :D
pullinbig said:
its called a po man's ghr.

yep, cause we ain't got one in my gym.

but seriously, that is the same movement right? I know those fuckers kill me and I can barely go forward about a foot it seems like.

pullinbig said:
id rather see madine doing these than your tested up ass.

well, although my glute/ham tie-in is looking rather scrumptious, I am sure most would agree with you. She is looking more yummy than ever.

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RJH8541 said:
yep, cause we ain't got one in my gym.

but seriously, that is the same movement right? I know those fuckers kill me and I can barely go forward about a foot it seems like.

well, although my glute/ham tie-in is looking rather scrumptious, I am sure most would agree with you. She is looking more yummy than ever.


yup same movement.

and yes send my love to your lovely bride. you done good bubba.
pullinbig said:
yup same movement.

and yes send my love to your lovely bride. you done good bubba.

we'll do, we were talking bout you the other day. We need to see you this year at one of her shows or one of yours before we start trying to pro-create next year!! lol

you got any coming up we could drive up to see? Maybe make a little trip out of it?

btw, yes I did. Thanks.
Day 9 - 5/2/2006


Wasn't as hungry, but i had kind of a mess in my stomach for part of the morning after I got up, so maybe that had something to do with it. I feel great though. Really suprised at the energy levels i am having lately. Not that its an indication of the Slin protocol, but maybe just a combo of some new things I am doing.

Anyway, here is today's deal:


All meals in thus far. I need to stay away from thoes yummy cookies at the gym. lol The fact that they say PROTEIN COOKIE makes it seem so right to eat them. :D


Flat BB
365 x 10
365 x 8
365 x 7 (Madine helped me a bit on that last one, and then straddled my face trying to help lift it and I almost bombed. lol)
Incline DB
110 x 7
110 x 5 (should have stayed at 100lbers but I was feeling good, so this will be fine)
Weighted Dips
BW+45 x 15
BW+45 x 9
Side Laterals
One drop set of 40/30/20lbs
Rear Delt
195 x 14
210 x 10

I am feeling strong as fuck (for me) lately, but damn if my shoulders aren't killing me at the end of this workout. It took about 15 minutes of letting my arms hang by my side for them to feel ok to carry my bag outta the gym. I think its time for some Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM therapy. Or just say fuck it and hit some Afflutop/Adequan. lol

Anyway, another good night. Also took some pics just fr the hell of it, and since I wasn't able to weigh myself this week. Hell, pics are better IMO anyway.
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JT190 said:
Looking great RJ, i'm thinking about the Afflutop, too. Strong numbers on the BP. You one thick SOB bro:)

haha, thanks JT. I'll let you know if i try the Afflutop and tell you how it is.
rj looking great.

Your very well spread out that is def a good thing. Some of us dont grow evenly kinda sux, but whatever.

BTW looking damn lean and got a nice abs to go w\it

great work.
looking good ryan. you built very sim to my pard.

i dont have a meet planned right now but ill try to make greensboro so i can hang out with yall and mixy.
Day 10 - 5/3/2006

Day off - odd sleep patterns as I got up wayyy too early and then had a late nap. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed and just in a shitty mood.

Diet is fine, ate all meals thus far. Need some sleep.
mister69 said:
good you got ur meals in brotha.

Hows madine doing w\the comp prep?

her first comp this year is in 1.5 weeks. May 13th actually. She looks fantastic. Lots of new cuts, development is excellent, and I think she will do well. She is just going through the last bit of insanity. And then next week its carb deplete, load, water manipulation, blah blah. Not fun. But in less than 2 weeks, she gets to have chocolate and a beer, so she is staying positive. lol

***plus her GF is coming in from Canada for a week... so that's always a motivator (for us both. :naughty:)

That's another reason i have been kind of bummed today. Our time together as of late has been minimal, and I guess today just kind of got to me, but you just gotta deal. I want her to have this year to do these shows, then its baby time next year. haha I am actually very proud of her.

Anyway, thanks for asking 69. I will get some pics from the show to show you guys for sure.
LiftTillIDie said:
Looking sick as usual RJ. 365 x10 is a great bench. What do you think your maxing right now?

Not sure. A couple weeks ago I got 405 x 4 as my last set, so I'm not sure... maybe 425-435 if I had to guess.

JP - Madine's doing Figure. I hope you get to see her compete this fall in NC.
Day 11 - 5/4/2006

Woke up tired as shit this morning/afternoon. Was like a walking zombie. These workouts are making me sleep like a log. lol


Still had a touch of that morning hypo after the first Slin shot, so i have just resorted to having a Coke on hand to combat it. Worked fine today. Only bad thing about going hypo is it makes you want to eat everything in sight. But i did good. All meals in thus far, plus some bars in between meals. I love chocolate. lmao


Rack Deads (just below knee high pins)
495 x 10
585 x 10
675 x 3 - PR(should have went a little lighter on this one to get more reps, but what the hell, its a new PR)
Wide Pulldowns
210 x 10
225 x 8
DB Pullovers
110 x 10
120 x 8
BB Shrugs
405 x 12 x 2
Leg Press Calves
10 plates x 15 x 4 sets

I am beginning to think this is all becoming worth it now. haha The strength gains alone are nuts for me at least, and i am looking better than ever. Still vascular through the abs, and starting to get webs across the shoulders, triceps, and quads. The GH/Slin/IGF/AAS synergy is defintely what its cracked up to be IMO. Although, I will prolly need a week off after this month. haha