Robbiek's NTBM Transderm-RS log

So nothing new today. No power due to a large storm. Feeling pretty good though. Still irritable. It was posted in another thread. When I say aggression or irritable I do not mean angry. Not angry at all. I have noticed a bit more focus in the gym as well. Good times. So far I would definately reccommend this product to friends as a nice addition into a cycle. I cannot speak of the product as a standalone because that would be misleading. Great addition though so far.
Holy fucking fuck your a huge guy! Damn bud!

Keep this log going I wanna see what Transderm can do for a guy your size.

LOL thanks bro, I feel chubby but people tell me I just look big and thick. Eventually I want to be around 10-12%. Thanks for following along.
Nothing new going on. Strength is sitting right about even. Possibly a little harder than normal. Area of application is breaking out a little bit. I dont break out even on cycle so I would assume this is a pretty potent androgen.
Yeah, I notice that everything is getting tighter. Pumps are nice and unpumped I feel "fuller". So far its a great addition to my prop blast.
Robbie, how is the run going??

Sorry bro's! I am in the Army and I deploy on a crazy schedule. Couldnt get to a computer. Had to stop taking the stuff due to the deployement but it did work well. It is a very good addition to any test cycle.

Thumbs up for sure!
Thanks NTBM.