Rogaine Foam

simpllyhuge said:
im thinking of either starting finastride or dutastride.

I'd try fin before dut, and see how you respond to that. You have to give it atleast a year before you can judge it's effectiveness.

btw, did you notice how we're the only two still posting in this thread? LoL
thats because no one else is as obsessed. What dossage of finastride do you reccomend off cycle and on cycle also how long is the half life?. I have like 8 grams of finastride powder. So i guess ill throw it in olive oil, but i might have to make a solution out of it for it to be accurate.
The half-life of fin is roughly 5-6 hours. I'm not sure about dut, but it is significantly longer. I take dut 2x per week nowadays.

I would just go with the standard 1mg per day whether on cycle or off cycle.
ok thanks. The reason i ask about the half life is because the powder i have is gonna be hard to take at 1mg.

what is the high dose people run when on cycle, outa curiosity.?
simpllyhuge said:
ok thanks. The reason i ask about the half life is because the powder i have is gonna be hard to take at 1mg.

what is the high dose people run when on cycle, outa curiosity.?

Some competitive bodybuilders that use heavy amounts of test (we're talking in excess of one gram) will take 5mg per day while on cycle. I think for recreational bodybuilders using sane doses, the normal 1mg/d should be sufficient whether on or off cycle.
btw, simplly...

I've just received confirmation that this is the longest back-and-forth dialogue between two people without interruption in one thread in the history of 'Ology...LoL

First person that posts in this thread other than simplly is a punk ass bitch!
lol. I figure i ran test for 3 years straight and still have most of my hair. I have diffuse thinning and some actually balding in the crown but its to the point where not every one would notice.

so the reason i ask about this is because i want to start propecia now with the hopes of growing my hair back. then when on cycle i want to grow more hair back or at least stop any balding.

so off cycle and on cycle you still recomend 1mg? If i raise it past 1mg while on you think ill see more improvment, and if so you think i notice less libido.

thanks for taking the time to answer, at least this is easier than me pm'ing you and then we both gotta clean out out boxes.
simpllyhuge said:
so the reason i ask about this is because i want to start propecia now with the hopes of growing my hair back. then when on cycle i want to grow more hair back or at least stop any balding.

so off cycle and on cycle you still recomend 1mg? If i raise it past 1mg while on you think ill see more improvment, and if so you think i notice less libido.

Although there are documented cases of people re-growing hair on drugs such as fin and dut, realistically the most you can hope for is a cessation of the loss.

As you increase the dosage, the potential for sides will increase (this goes for just about every drug). I think 1mg should be enough if moderate doses of test are being used.
simpllyhuge said:
that sucks. i was really hoping it would grow some back.

It certainly can, but from real world feedback it seems as if maintenance is more the norm.

btw, I finally tried the foam the other day. I'll never go back to the solution. The foam is soooo much more cosmetically friendly, and it smells hella good too.
yeah it smells really good. I like using the regular one with retina a at night thou. not sure if its helps but i feel its makes the minoxidil get absorebed better, even the foam in the monring from the retin a having already done its work the night before.
simpllyhuge said:
yeah it smells really good. I like using the regular one with retina a at night thou. not sure if its helps but i feel its makes the minoxidil get absorebed better, even the foam in the monring from the retin a having already done its work the night before.

It smells too good! So does the Revitalize spray!

Between the two, I'm afraid people are going to start thinkin I'm gay or somethin!
do you think using monox with rentin a is a problem, i notice better results but then if im washing with nizerol im wondering if the nizerol is getting absorbed to much, as if its getting into the blood stream and affecting my sex drive.
simpllyhuge said:
do you think using monox with rentin a is a problem, i notice better results but then if im washing with nizerol im wondering if the nizerol is getting absorbed to much, as if its getting into the blood stream and affecting my sex drive.

Bro, I think you have a tendency to overanalyze things.

I doubt any shampoo is or can be systematically absorbed to any significant degree. They're only on your scalp ten mins tops.

However, you did resurrect the thread again! Nice job!
well i was just curious since im stripping my skin off my head till its redish. i know i overanalyze things but i think somthing like maybe nizerol or more so spiro could get absorbed sytematically and might make a big difference if you were offf.

thanksfor the help thou
Yeah definately fuck up the arse. They have been sued for misselling what amounts to nothing but a fancy wig.
Try and hold off on the surgery too if you can. Strip harvesting / FUE / FHT / DHI all cause some scarring and thin your hair throughout due to the nature of transplants. In as little as a year and 9 months, "hair cloning" will be a viable option. Its not actually cloning in the true sense though, they will simply take some follicles and harvest a new batch of hair for you in a lab by using the stem cells from the follicle and causing them to duplicate over and over until they have enough to give you a full head of hair again. There are three companies working on this technique. The UK company has recently received a massive grant from the DTI to build the technology and processes required for ensuring that stem cell samples do not get mixed up so they are relatively close to the finish line. A company in Greece claims to have already finished their research and are ready to begin offering the end product/procedure on humans but these claims have been refuted by other companies as simply a way of them boosting their market cap. Who knows, fingers crossed it will happen shortly as i'm relying on it 100%. MPB can not really be stopped. It can only be slowed down so if your prone, its going to happen.
Lucky, where do you get liquied Spiro, I can only find tabs? Also, i homebrew and live in the UK in reference to a different post just so you know. has spiro but not sure if they ship to uk.

so how sure are u that this cloning with actually come out soon? and how much is it guestimated to cost?
he hate me or dbol? i ordered generic dut, but am gonna start with finastride first once it arrives to see how i tolerate it.

I read that some people actually see initial shedding when starting propecia, why is this?