Rogaine Foam

Shedding is a signal the treatment is working in most cases. The weaker hairs are shed and replaced by thicker, stronger hairs.

You have to be prepared for a rollercoaster ride if you decide to use fin or dut. It's just part of the game. Give fin a year before judging it's effectiveness or lack there of.
na my sexy drive is shot and i cant figure out if its because my shbg or test is screwed or if its the new ssri im on. But im not interested in sex at all so im waiting to start the fin, i might not start it for a while any cause i already had a low sex drive before juice so i wanna see whats up with my hormones with out any interference.

i have been using nizerol ed and minoxidil foam during the day and minoxidil with retin a at night and i have seen a lot of regrowth especially in the front. like it looks full now.