Rogaine Foam


New member
It's been out for awhile now and since a lot of us use hair loss meds/solutions I was wondering if anyone has tried it yet? I only use minoxidil at night because it makes my hair appear greasy. The foam is more expensive but said to be more cosmetically friendly...
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man I just didn't get anythinmg from rogaine apart from vellous growth, my hair continued receeding and all that happened was tiny bum fluff grew :( I used it for 2years solid twice a day...I heard of the "miracle" people who grow all there hair back but thats very rare if true at all.

Do you really get anything from it ?

Nizoral and spiro on the other hand is amazing!
Lucky13 said:
man I just didn't get anythinmg from rogaine apart from vellous growth, my hair continued receeding and all that happened was tiny bum fluff grew :( I used it for 2years solid twice a day...I heard of the "miracle" people who grow all there hair back but thats very rare if true at all.

Do you really get anything from it ?

Nizoral and spiro on the other hand is amazing!

I notice a slight benefit from using it ( I use Equate brand ). Definitely thickens things up a bit, nothing drastic however.

Spiro is a great product. I use it only at the temples and my temples have stabilized and not receded anymore in the years that I've used it. When I've tried using spiro elsewhere it seems to cause fallout (maybe irritation from the PPG?) so I've limited it to just the temples.
i just started using minoxidil. i heard it makes your hair shed at first but these are the hairs that are gowing to grow back in the next phaze thicker.
simpllyhuge said:
i just started using minoxidil. i heard it makes your hair shed at first but these are the hairs that are gowing to grow back in the next phaze thicker.

Minoxidil can definitely cause a shed during the first few months Also, if you stop using it down the road, all the minox-dependent hairs will eventually fall out.
Well I'm about to give the foam a go. If anyone cares, I'll let ya know how it goes.

btw, if you're interested in using it check out ebay. It's much cheaper going that route.
i used it and had good results. Honeslty thou i also using regular minoxidil with rentin a which burns off the top layer of my scalp. So when i put the foam on the alchol burns a little bit but i think this might be why i have such good results with it. not sure thou.

the foam smells realyl good thou.
Lucky13 said:
man I just didn't get anythinmg from rogaine apart from vellous growth, my hair continued receeding and all that happened was tiny bum fluff grew :( QUOTE]

Same here. Like the commercial says, "Works on 4 out of 5 men." I must be the 5th guy!
no it will grow it all over but the studies are for the either just the front or just the back. or at least this is what i have heard or noticed. i havent been off juice for a while but im hoping that when i take a break that ill notice it work even better.
gator_mclusky said:
Doesnt it just work on the crown of the head?(back)

Like simply mentioned it will (or I should say can) work on other areas of the scalp, but the studies were only performed on the crown so they can only market it as being effective in that region of the scalp.

Spiro and minox have kept my temples from receding any further for years. Well, fin and dut use may have had something to do with it as well.

The only part of my scalp that bothers me a bit is the mid-part. It has continued to thin over the years. Everywhere else has thickened up/stabilized.
HeHateMe said:
Like simply mentioned it will (or I should say can) work on other areas of the scalp, but the studies were only performed on the crown so they can only market it as being effective in that region of the scalp.

Spiro and minox have kept my temples from receding any further for years. Well, fin and dut use may have had something to do with it as well.

The only part of my scalp that bothers me a bit is the mid-part. It has continued to thin over the years. Everywhere else has thickened up/stabilized.
Gotcha man!
So am I right in saying most of you guys were losing hair and then you went on spiro/fin/dut and havn't had any hairloss even though you run Test ?
it defianlty slowed it down to the point where it either doesnt happen or not noticably. it probly depends on the person. I would try only 200-250 for your first time since i know your causious.

its hard to say thou because hair will fall out when i shake my head but i cant tell if its just hair breaking off or hair coming out by the root. my hair is short and brittle from using minoxidill and nizerol every day.

i also have little tiny hairs from minoxidil i guess, not sure if i let my hair grow out if they would grow, they might be little bootleg hairs like arm hairs or they might just be strangled ones from dht.

i wish i knew about nizerol a long time ago. All this shit used to look so expensive to me so i never used it. But there is no reason not to buy nizerol, all newbies should just be told how cheap it is and to use it regardless if they care about there hair.

i wouldnt even mind shaving my head totally. I just wish it had the color of hair all over, like as if it was about to grow in full, i dont want a shiny head thats not even slightly hair colored.
simpllyhuge said:
it defianlty slowed it down to the point where it either doesnt happen or not noticably. it probly depends on the person. I would try only 200-250 for your first time since i know your causious.

its hard to say thou because hair will fall out when i shake my head but i cant tell if its just hair breaking off or hair coming out by the root. my hair is short and brittle from using minoxidill and nizerol every day.

i also have little tiny hairs from minoxidil i guess, not sure if i let my hair grow out if they would grow, they might be little bootleg hairs like arm hairs or they might just be strangled ones from dht.

i wish i knew about nizerol a long time ago. All this shit used to look so expensive to me so i never used it. But there is no reason not to buy nizerol, all newbies should just be told how cheap it is and to use it regardless if they care about there hair.

i wouldnt even mind shaving my head totally. I just wish it had the color of hair all over, like as if it was about to grow in full, i dont want a shiny head thats not even slightly hair colored.
I use Nizoral myself and it seems to help retain my hair. It may be more expensive but you dont have to use much to get a good lather.
no i meant it isnt that expensive. Its just before u use these things for a while, at first they seem expensive. But really nizerol is only as much as a regular shampoo and i think it might make a huge difference. I wish i had been using it for years.

does any one have any proof to how well it works? im wondering if it only makes a small difference or acutally has the power to halt hair loss.
Nizoral in the UK is expensive at £5 ($10) for 200ml, out of everything I spend it is the most expensive...even more expensive then my steroid powders, including Var powder!

I use Nizoral 2x ED and my hair is fine no dryness, I really wish I could find a cheaper source for Nizoral as it fugging expensive!
i use dr.lee's site its like 14 dollers i think now for a little bottle but i have short hair and i spend about 8$ a day on diet pepsi so 14 dollers every few weeks is nothing.

its 4 oz. Ketoconazole 2%, salicylic acid 3%,

i just read on his instructions for the first time you can leave it in over night. Thats funny cause there have been times where i was doing similiar things any way on my own.

maybe i can condition first and then leave the shampoo in over night after, does that sound like it would work to you guys? fuck ill walk around with this shit in my hair all day, it beats spiro dirty vagina cream. I did make my spiro not really smell that bad thou by making it with my own fresh powder and then scenting it with fragrance oil. lol i sound fruity.

lol he hate me and lucky you guys are the only ones who dont get pissed off when i obcess over my hair on here.

what do you think, nizerol shampoo left in, which doctor lee says is alright, or wash it out and put spiro cream in?

It is a very strongly medicated shampoo, and that is the reason the manufacturers recommend using it as seldomly as they do (something like 2x per week).

Copper peptides would be a great addition to your 'hair maintenance' stack. Copper peptides promote overall scalp health, and as we know inflammation can be a huge factor in causing fallout. I use American Crew Revitalize spray and it takes away the itch completely. The good thing about adding CPs as an adjunct to your regimen is that you don't need a whole lot to notice results. I use a couple spritzes after my shower in the morning and a bottle lasts a very long time.

CPs don't necessarily cause re-growth. However, they promote a healthy scalp environment in which other medications such as fin/dut/minox/and spiro can do their thing. The spiro and minox delivery vehicles (alcohol, PPG) often cause inflammation in certain individuals. If you can alleviate this inflammation through the use of copper peptides, you can effectively use these treatments.