I'm a firm believer in roid rage. It's not a guarantee but certain people WILL get more aggressive and assertive while on. People tend to say "it's not roid rage...it's just increased aggression..." which is nothing more than a different way of saying it. Aggression and rage typically go hand in hand. Some manage to harness the aggression in the gym, some let it out in other ways. I know myself, I'm more likely to assert myself and open my mouth when I'm on cycle if someone crosses me. You can call it rage, increased aggression, whatever you want, but I take wayyy less shit from people when there are high levels of androgens in my system.
I'm surprised that you would say that joz.
I think it has to with how we view rage versus aggression, so let's see if you still feel that way with a definition of each.
violent, uncontrollable anger.
"her face was distorted with rage"
synonyms: fury, anger, wrath, outrage, indignation, temper, spleen, resentment, pique, annoyance, vexation, displeasure.
hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront.
"his chin was jutting with aggression"
synonyms: hostility, aggressiveness, belligerence, bellicosity, force, violence; More
the action of attacking without provocation, especially in beginning a quarrel or war.
"the dictator resorted to armed aggression"
forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests.
synonyms: confidence, self-confidence, boldness, determination, forcefulness, vigor, energy, zeal
"he played the game with unceasing aggression"
I guess I can see how some would lump the two together, I just personally see rage as what I save for the gym (I don't want to hurt others), and aggression being a less tact approach to conflict resolution. I find it interesting how confidence is linked to aggression in the last definition.
Totally wasn't picking on you joz, I just was curious after being surprised that you would state you believe in such a thing, that's all.