Roid Rage

Rickyroid said:
Obviously Junior weighthead is an ass. This is not in my head. you idiot. id like to beat ur ass with a 20 pound dumbell moron.

If a 20 lb dumbell is intimidating to you then I doubt your advanced enough to be using steroids in the first place lol.
sometimes i think i have roid rage but then i think about it and know that i woulda prob done the same thing if i wasn't juicing.... def all in your head.
Roid rage is definately all in ur head...

If a person the a whack job to begin with takes steroids then ur gonna have a whack job with muscles...

The only time i snap while on steroids is when im on my super strict diet for the summer and not getting alot of carbs in me and thus am in the worst mood...

Wouldnt call it roid rage though........
alfa23 said:
take a chill pill

P.S roid rage is in your head

Chill out bro, and quite believeing everything u hear on the news, and in magazines. Im on 1000mg of test along with 600 mgs of eq and anadrol and im fine, and im crazy as fvck, if roid rage was true id be cuttin peoples heads off.
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lol I think roid rage is reality, my temper gets even worse when on anything but it helps me hit the bags harder and the idiots at work too.
I think "roid rage" is to strong of a word to use. Some extra agression maybe, but you should be able to control it, if you cant then you wouldnt be able to off gear either.
I beleive juice (AS) has a different effect on different people. It all depends on the kinda people we are. My friend who does it get really paranoid, thinks people are talking about him and this makes him angry.

For me it make me depressed. I get down alot even when clean. Steroids dont change who we are, they bring who we are out.
PLacebo effect. I get more on edge from dieting than I do when I'm on juice. I find juice amplifies your personality, so that those who naturally have tempers will be even worse , were as those who are mellow will experience no such effect.
i wouldn`t call it roid rage. i know i get a little bit more aggitated. workouts are alot more intense. i may walk around wit ha chip on my shoulder,but i know it`s because when i juice i feel on top ofthe world(mainly at the gym).
I don't get roid rage, but I get to where I WILL NOT back down from ANYBODY in a confrontation, even if it's the smart thing to do. More of a "Aw ya done it now" attitude. ;)
yeah exactly.. test doesnt do crap to effect anyone who i wouldnt normally kick they're ass on a daily basis lol if i would kick your ass id do it wether i was on test or off it lol