Roids Becoming Legal?


I am banned!
What is everyones thoughts on roids becoming Legal one day?
Do you think they will ever be Legal?
How do you feel about them being Legal?
They will never be legal without a prescription again. It's political, not a public health or medical issue.

Agreed. All of the research I have been doing it shows that higher levels of testosterone tend to shut out a lot if the ails if older men, thus shutting out the pharma companies of making money and lobbyist not making money. I have a cousin who is a pharmacologyst and even she said that with a good diet and doctors supervission I could do hormone replacement well into my 80s and not suffer from many if the deriorating effects of lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels which is actually worse for your heart and other organs. So the answer to the OP question is no.
The government will never legalize it again because they want to keep you sick. There is more money to be made that way. Unfortunately our government does not look at facts and is only concerned with profits, being in office, political reasons, etc. and not what is best for the people.
They will never be legal. I don't agree on a schedule three narcotic but don't wanna see it legal either. Imagine how many stupid uneducated kids would pump insane amounts into their system not knowing the sides. Then you'd have way more deaths due to high bp, cholesterol, liver disease just to name a few. Then imagine what the ignorant media would label it as.
Oh god you'd see 13 year old's with 20' arms that would never be able to get laid because they destroyed there system and it just dont work.:Pat:
I would not want them to be legal anyway. Reasons stated above^^. I think its ridiculous though that the gov. labeled them as schedule III drugs even though the DEA, FDA and the American Medical Assoc said that steroids don't meet the criteria to be in that category.
Same here. I really would want to see them legal either bc of all the kids would be doing them. Just want to start a thread with everyones thought. Figured it would be a good thread bros.
Do you really want them legal? If they were it'd be extremely common to see 250lb bodybuilders. I'd rather have it the way it is now so it won't be achievable for most to have that kind of physique.
What we will be seeing long before steroids become 'legal' is more products along the lines of SARMS and peptides as well as nano tech and gene therapy that will do what steroids do now.
Legality doesn't change access. If a 12 yr old with an allowance wants gear, guess what??? There is an Internet full of it, when was the last time a supplier verified you age to make a purchase.

Gear is way to easy to come by these days because of the net, you are only fooling your self if you think legalizing would open it up to young kids. I bet 1/5 of the members here are under 18 and I know for a fact that a ton of Highschool athletes are on it.

Legalizing doesnt mean an infant can purchase, I'm sure their would be age restrictions, but how hard was it for you to get tobacco or alcohol or recs as a kid??!

Legalize no, decriminalize yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should make it like a ccw or cpr/emt class. Where you are barraged information and tested on it over the course of a 3 days/week/month? If you pass the tests you gain a certificate to use steroids for personal use.