Roos Lion


New member
I've recently received this from a source in Canada. Wondering if anyone has had some experience with this paticular brand? Is this stuff legit? I've heard it's a little underdosed but I don't know the truth to it. I've only used Canadian Muscle/Atlas/Syrus before so this brand/product is new to me.
I'll take a legit picture when I'm not so busy. The gear looks good though I must admit. It's very very clear with a slight yellowish tinge to it. I assume the color is dependent upon the oil that is used and the type of substance that's dissolved in it?
Still waiting and hoping someone on this forum has some information on the product that's in question. Someone has to know something about Roos Lion products and if they are legit or fake..
heard of them, the feedbacks were not bad at all. but your label looks pretty amateur, plus they were using darckr vials before. i dunno if you have a real one or a copy. trust your source or don't use it.
heard of them, the feedbacks were not bad at all. but your label looks pretty amateur, plus they were using darckr vials before. i dunno if you have a real one or a copy. trust your source or don't use it.

Well I have friends who've used it from this particular source and are in love with it. This is my first product from this particular source so I'm a little nervous about trying something new. I have a better picture on my phone, I spent a lot of time examining the vial so the color on the label has faded a bit (sweaty hands lol). I will post the picture from my phone since it has the most vibrant color/is a better picture. Guess all I can do is poke myself and see what happens in 4-6 weeks.

Does the reflector/sticker look to be of Roos Lion quality? Or does that look to be shotty it self? I'm quite worried now, but the vial/gear do look legit/clean & clear bahhh I don't know :crying: lol
Old School tops makes me think Old School cooker. Rather have some Old Fart running batches other then some kid with a recipe off the net......but end of day caps and labels mean nothing.

In time some of us get know the guy making it: treat him right and keep him safe!
Here is a better picture of the true color to the vial before my greasy/sweaty hands got a hold of it over and over again lol!! As you can see the colors are more vibrant/bright.

Any way, I'm going to give it a try next week and see how it plays out. Crossing my fingers for good results/the expected results!
Bump bump....Anyone else know much more about this particular product? I just want to know everything I can before I start putting this deeeeep into my muscle tissue lol!! I'd really appreciate the input if anyone has anything else to add. Thanks to everyone who has already put their 2 cents in :beertoast
I'm very impressed with the Roos Lion that I came's legit I've been on cycle now for 4-5 weeks and I can see/have gained size and strength; she's good stuff and I'd recommend it to anyone!

I really do wish that someone else here would share their experience
Hey Unknown1, a friend of mine recently told me he has some of this lab and until now I couldn't find any reviews on it. It's kinda pricey though. What compounds did you use and how did the cycle go? Thanks
I love me some prop. On some atm and lookin pretty good. been on it for about 3 weeks eod .75 to 1.5mg now. I need an online source for sure. Anyways glad its legit for you!