Roughly, how many lbs should I gain to have a physique like this? (pic included )

Without knowing his height it's hard to tell. A rough guess on my part, let's say you guys are the same height, he looks about 8 or 9% BF. Maybe 15 to 20 LEAN pounds might get you there. Should be achievable for you! Great goal!!

That's just my .02 I might be way off, wait for some of the more experienced guys to weigh in.
id say about 10-15 pounds , your size is very similar , but just higher body fat percentage , if u trained hard with some cardio and gained some muscle , u could probably attain that look fairly quickly imo . ud just have to train to gain some muscle , and slowly u would lose some body fat to make u look leaner . Would say its achievable withing a few months of training
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Without knowing his height it's hard to tell. A rough guess on my part, let's say you guys are the same height, he looks about 8 or 9% BF. Maybe 15 to 20 LEAN pounds might get you there. Should be achievable for you! Great goal!!

That's just my .02 I might be way off, wait for some of the more experienced guys to weigh in.

id say about 10-15 pounds , your size is very similar , but just higher body fat percentage , if u trained hard with some cardio and gained some muscle , u could probably attain that look fairly quickly imo . ud just have to train to gain some muscle , and slowly u would lose some body fat to make u look leaner . Would say its achievable withing a few months of training

Thanks for the input! Should I get to that level first before starting a cycle ? Looks like a good base to build on, doesn't it ?
Thanks for the input! Should I get to that level first before starting a cycle ? Looks like a good base to build on, doesn't it ?

How much time do you have in the gym? If I were you I would spend the next 6 months to a year on a clean bulk and KILL it in the gym before even thinking about gear. Your body/joints will thank you in the long run. Even without aas you should be able to get there with a ton o food and time! Good luck bro
i would get to that level first before starting , ive been training hard for 3 years now , im 200 + lbs 13% bf 5'7" and i just started my first cycle . i would first achieve that nuturaly before using gear , get to know how your body responds to training and how to train , that physique is attainable fairly easily with a bit of dedication and motivation , probably within a few months all seriousness
u have a good base to work with right now , start some training and burn some fat , if u realy want it , and only you know how bad u want it , you will make it happen , wont take much if u realy put the effort in. And this is how you achieve personal satisfaction , putting in work and succeeding , because u earned it
U dont need roids. You're a shrimp for gods sake... I take a shit bigger than 160lbs. Fix the diet and training and you should have no prob getting like that natty.
U dont need roids. You're a shrimp for gods sake... I take a shit bigger than 160lbs. Fix the diet and training and you should have no prob getting like that natty.

The message was perfect but the delivery may be lacking in the social grace department.

Either way you should listen to the post. You need to take these steroids.

Steak cypionate

oatmeal propionate

egg white isocaprionate

protein powder enanthate

you run this gear and you can get to where you want to go my friend.

Best of luck to you!
no hate but op, you dont even look like you lift.... why not actually go to the gym instead of relying on juice...... youll put on weight and youll dry up and lose it all.... instead of juice invest your money and time in actually going to the gym and having a proper diet....

edit - also fix up your posture, you look like a fool with ur shoulders rolled forward.... if you stand up straight you'll look wider, prevent future back pain and so many more benefits.... i recommend farmers walk, they tend to help
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maybe hes young and just getting into lifting. still better to build a base before starting on this stuff