Ruined sex drive/libido. Please help

Just normal work stress like everyone else. But I do stress about wondering if I'll ever be back to normal again. So I'm thinking 50mg clomid Ed for 30 days. Also throw in vitamin d and zinc. What dose should I take of those ?
I'm in the same boat as you but mines not hormone related, cialis didn't work for me, the only thing that has worked wonders for me is PT141 that will turn you into a sex god seriously? Imagine blowing your load and still be able to go on and want to go on, it's amazing stuff bro get some!
Zinc should be 60mg split into two doses daily and just take a complete multiv for.the vit d
Yes it's a peptide you injject into stomach fat with a insulin needle/syringe. the effects will take 6 hours to kick in and I think it lasts 6 hours slowly decreasing the effects as the hours go by. I think you can become tolerant to it easily but if you use it 2-3 times a week you should be fine. When I first took mt2 which contains pt141 I woke up at 3am with a boner that lasted an hour, couldn't sleep at all just wanted to shag someone, it increases your sex drive loads as well as erection quality which is unique. I'll PM you a source bro.
Here is the plan:
Clomid 50mg Ed for 30 days
Zinc 100-120mg Ed split 2 times a day
Opti men multi vitamin daily
Pt-141 as needed.(Hope this works)
Anything else that you guys think that would help.
I am not going to state that you have to try the full testosterone recovery stack from Primordial (although it would be worth considering), but I would definitely consider adding our toco-8 product to that stack. Vitamin E (toco8 is an 8 isomer vitamin e supplement) has been shown to play a vital role in steroidogensis, and it actually makes for a great addition to a Clomid protocol.

If you choose to go this route, hit me with a PM and I can provide you with a coupon