Run Tren and what else? Please take a look guys..Thanks.


Hello ???
I would like to know what you guys would run with the Tren?
Can you run the Tren with TestProp and NPP? Not knowing much about Tren it allmost sounds like a good mix to me. My last cycle was Prop and Npp with Var and Winstrol (winny) at the last 5 weeks and I was just in love with the hole cycle. I'm woundering if the same cycle with the Tren wouldent be good? Maybe drop the Winstrol (winny) and the Anavar (var). Or Not? Any way what do you think? And not to shut anyone else out from responding please by all means. Trev how did you run it when you did run it. Jay C any one else to. Just looking for the best combo for me with the help from some input from you guys who have done it.
I'm curently on a good old 400mg deca and 750mg of Sustanon (sust) For the last 3 weeks or so. I want to change up now and lean more towards the test prop and Npp again or something with the same if not better results. What do you guys think of me switching up like that? I can take it tell it like you feel what do you think guys? Mike
First of all...what are your goals with this cycle? Tren may or may not be what youre looking for.

Second, tren ace goes great with prop, or really any other test, but you can match your shots up with prop the best. Tren enanthate, on the other hand, goes great with test e or c.

Personally, I would steer clear of using tren with NPP or deca...just shuts you down too hard. However, I have had great results with test, tren and winny...or dbol, or Anavar (var). To be honest, IMPO, straight test and tren is tough to beat.

TOOLifter said:
First of all...what are your goals with this cycle? Tren may or may not be what youre looking for.

Second, tren ace goes great with prop, or really any other test, but you can match your shots up with prop the best. Tren enanthate, on the other hand, goes great with test e or c.

Personally, I would steer clear of using tren with NPP or deca...just shuts you down too hard. However, I have had great results with test, tren and winny...or dbol, or Anavar (var). To be honest, IMPO, straight test and tren is tough to beat.


Cool nice answer. Thanks man..
my last cycle was Test cyp/Tren A/Var..and I was most pleased..

I'm thinking i might go with the same except i will use test prop. And the var is pretty awsom isent it. thanks BF very helpfull...
Right now im running 600 mg. of test e per week 80 mg.tren a every other day and 30 mg. of winstrol tabs a day.I know that is a low dose of winstrol but you know what it is working nicely. Good luck bros.
I loved tren, twice! But it shut me down very hard and I lost a lot of the gains from it (this doing post cycle therapy (pct) two times after my last tren cycle). If I were you I would use Tren-ace + test prop, but in the last two weeks start test-e or cyp and run that a full month after your last shot of tren. That's what I'd do in the future; let my body recover from the tren and then recovery from the test-e is a lot easier compared to stopping cold turkey on tren/prop.
Tren and low dose of test. Dont stack it with a bunch of shit first time, just let the tren do its stuff. Its wicked stuff!
I would agree to run just tren and test for the first time arround. I think equal doses of each is best but some will say more of one than the other. Also...they say ED is far superior to eod...only tried eod so i don't know.
my results were just as good with eod as they were with ed injections. Difference, fewer pricks and you'll be tired of sticking yourself after 3 weeks, trust me.
constructor said:
my results were just as good with eod as they were with ed injections. Difference, fewer pricks and you'll be tired of sticking yourself after 3 weeks, trust me.
definitly eod tren 75mg to 100 with Sustanon (sust) or any test, youl love it like deca but better. i suggest you research how to make it your self at least youl know its the real deal, a lot cheaper and youl get lot more :startrek:
Boy it's interesting to see everone give there fav combonation. BUt no doubt most agree Tren and Test is the way to go.m Thanks guys you have all been a big help for me . I think i will keep it simple and stick with Tand T. I like what ESTRA said let the Tren do it's stuff.
^^How do these fools get on here?! ANYWAYS, LE Test and tren SE or LE, either way that's all you need. No kick starters, damn sure NO nandrolone needs to be combined in the mix. If 500mg/wk Test enanthate or cypionate with 300-400mg/wk Tren, your choice Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper post cycle therapy (pct) ain't enough, You ain't fucking eating and training right so then in which case, back to school wit ya! MORE drugs ain't the answer
I would agree to run just tren and test for the first time arround. I think equal doses of each is best but some will say more of one than the other. Also...they say ED is far superior to eod...only tried eod so i don't know.

I looked online and there are a million different testosterone boosters? what one should I take with trene? specifically?
I looked online and there are a million different testosterone boosters? what one should I take with trene? specifically?

What's wrong with this picture? Well it might be you bumping a 2yo thread or it could be the fact you quoted a post from 2008 by a guest nonetheless (not even a registered member) and are expecting a response 5years after his post. Is it me or can you follow my line of reasoning here?