Running a low dose AI off cycle


New member
Hi, I'm planning on running an AI, I'm thinking Aromasin due to what I have read. Fairly recently I got bloods done, my E2 was slightly too high (can't remember what lol). I'm also not getting morning wood as much as I used to. I want to use it to increase gains too, as it supposedly doubles free test due to the fact that it decreases SHGB. I'm planning on starting off with 6.25mg EOD and then adjusting every week till I get to the sweet spot, don't wanna crash my estrogen fully. Is this a good starting dose and is there anything im doing wrong? cheers.
Hi, I'm planning on running an AI, I'm thinking Aromasin due to what I have read. Fairly recently I got bloods done, my E2 was slightly too high (can't remember what lol). I'm also not getting morning wood as much as I used to. I want to use it to increase gains too, as it supposedly doubles free test due to the fact that it decreases SHGB. I'm planning on starting off with 6.25mg EOD and then adjusting every week till I get to the sweet spot, don't wanna crash my estrogen fully. Is this a good starting dose and is there anything im doing wrong? cheers.

I think no one here use aromasin off cycle to increase gains. What about pct ?
Hi, I'm planning on running an AI, I'm thinking Aromasin due to what I have read. Fairly recently I got bloods done, my E2 was slightly too high (can't remember what lol). I'm also not getting morning wood as much as I used to. I want to use it to increase gains too, as it supposedly doubles free test due to the fact that it decreases SHGB. I'm planning on starting off with 6.25mg EOD and then adjusting every week till I get to the sweet spot, don't wanna crash my estrogen fully. Is this a good starting dose and is there anything im doing wrong? cheers.

How long ago was PCT/your cycle?
I have never done a cycle, my hormones are just a bit fu**ed from bad lifestyle recently.

Then fix the lifestyle issues first. Medicating won't do for you what you're hoping for (at least in this context) unless there's a serious issue present.

If you have taken steps in fixing those issues, give them time. Is there a specific issue you're concerned with that resulted in getting a blood panel done?