Running Anti Estrogen during test cycle


New member
Alright so im running a test cycle soon and i had minor gyno from last cycle, so i want to prevent it for this cycle. so what would i run during cycle to prevent gyno from occurring?
you could run a number of ai's (aromitase inhibitors) during your cycle to prevent gyno. You could run letro, exemestane, or arimidex. The popular one seems to be exemestane but everyone has their own preference.
alright, but aromisin is pretty expensive, and i dont trust OTC anymore because the last OTC PCT i took didnt do anything. so i want the best thing to take. so for my budget do you think getting Nolva and running it 10mg a day would be good on cycle? and than run it 20 mg for post cycle with clomid or 6 oxo. or is liquidex better for on cycle?
alright thanks, but im not sure if im going to do test this cycle or i might save it for a little while, would running nolva on cycle prevent gyno for more mild prohormones aswell?
I wouldn't run nolva on cycle, adex or aromasin, for test, I would only take nolva or letro if you actually had gyno setting in not as a preventative,,that's my 2 cents
alright thanks, but im not sure if im going to do test this cycle or i might save it for a little while, would running nolva on cycle prevent gyno for more mild prohormones aswell?
Honestly i always wait until the gyno starts to rear its head before i jump on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno but you can run nolva with anything except tren dont do that lol.
alright, but your sure i wont get gyno if i run nolva or liquidex from the beginning of my cycle to end? im very paranoid about it lol. n one last thing, what would you dose it at if you were running it on cycle?