

New member
I am a total newbie. I want to lose about 15 - 20 lbs. I'm 40 and my metabolism has slowed down tremendously. I just received some s-4 today. I want to do this the right way. ANY suggestions?
S4 isn't stricktly a fat burner, but it definately can help lean you out. obviously a good diet is going to be your best weapon and the lower your bodyfat is the better it will work.

Whenever i take S4 i notice much more vascularity as well as some good stregth gains.

50mg per day is a good dose to start. anything above that and you will probably see some sides.....mostly vision sides with lights at night. if that hapens just stop taking it for a few days and start a lower dose.

usually takes about a week and you should start noticing it. also helps your endurance a bit to.

Good luck bro.
S4 isn't stricktly a fat burner, but it definately can help lean you out. obviously a good diet is going to be your best weapon and the lower your bodyfat is the better it will work.

Whenever i take S4 i notice much more vascularity as well as some good stregth gains.

50mg per day is a good dose to start. anything above that and you will probably see some sides.....mostly vision sides with lights at night. if that hapens just stop taking it for a few days and start a lower dose.

usually takes about a week and you should start noticing it. also helps your endurance a bit to.

Good luck bro.

My rodents will be using S4 for the first time, I have read that it is a good bridge between their regemine. I also read that if your rodents are heavier you can/should go up to 100 mg...is the dose based on bodyweight?

After I want to try Osta on them, the SARMs interest me :naughty:.
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sounds like your rats might be interested in the uniquemicals GW-501516 if your rats are looking for fat loss. thought s4 should treat your rats very well and will def help.

what brand did your rats end up going with for s4?
i just ordered OEP to as well. Thanks for the input. I am 203lbs and want to get about 180-185lbs. I hope this will work. I am definitely eating much better. Any suggestions on a diet?
low carb or carb cycle. pulse the S4 so you dont get vision sides....use 2 doses a day cuz it has a 4hr half life. 25mg am, 25 pm

i would be doing a lot of cardio while on the s4, it will make u sweat a lot. idk if you only have 1 bottle buy you may want to pick up a 2nd one.

OEP, dont go past 2 caps ED, IMO.

s4 is fun stuff, fatloss, hardening, some strength, etc etc
thanks, i am definitely gonna get another bottle. Hopefully with a decent diet and some cardio i can get to where i wanna be. I have NEVER hit a barrier like this. I appreciate all the feedback from everyone.
thanks, i am definitely gonna get another bottle. Hopefully with a decent diet and some cardio i can get to where i wanna be. I have NEVER hit a barrier like this. I appreciate all the feedback from everyone.

glad to hear it.def shoot me a pm if you have any questions or just want some encouragement along the way.
Well, I just started my cycle yesterday of Osta-Max, S-4 & GW 501516 and I'm 41. As far as loosing the weight it's all diet. I just lost 110lbs on diet alone, no working out or anything. So you can do it just have to put your mind to it. I'm running my cycle at Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg and GW 10mg, but I'm taking it all 30min before workout. I'm not spilting up the S-4, not sure if that's right but so many people on here have suggested different. Some say take all at one time and some say spit it up, so I'm not really sure.
Well, I just started my cycle yesterday of Osta-Max, S-4 & GW 501516 and I'm 41. As far as loosing the weight it's all diet. I just lost 110lbs on diet alone, no working out or anything. So you can do it just have to put your mind to it. I'm running my cycle at Osta-Max 25mg, S-4 40mg and GW 10mg, but I'm taking it all 30min before workout. I'm not spilting up the S-4, not sure if that's right but so many people on here have suggested different. Some say take all at one time and some say spit it up, so I'm not really sure.
I believe guys are splitting up the s4 due to the shorter half life.
yes it's only 4hours S4's half life so you can split into 3 doses (ex. 25mg x3 ED)

actually i am using it (uniquemicals) since long time ONLY as a pre w.o. supplement 30mins before may boxe (50mg) or weight training (25mg)

in addiction, i am cycling also with Osta-low (osta-gain) @ 15mg ED and MK-677 (researchsarms) @ 12.5mg ED prior to sleep in the night.

It's a fantastic trio, i am happy with results, i am on these product just since 2 weeks and all is going very well!

I believe guys are splitting up the s4 due to the shorter half life.
so than you think it is worthy of stacking with ostarine? Also could this be run after ostarine or should there be the waiting period of a break?
run the osta to bulk. s4 to cut. you could stack them but you will get better results staying on the sarms for more total time. which means you bridge them or run one after the next.

so if u wana cut, get some S4, lots of cardio, low carbs. 50mg 5 on, 2off will last you 40 days or so. maybe 42,44. than hit the osta. you will still lose BF while on osta. but the strength gains will be better.

i like to stack osta and s4 since i am using s4 JUST as a prewo supplement, in other ways i just do not know how it could works.

so than you think it is worthy of stacking with ostarine? Also could this be run after ostarine or should there be the waiting period of a break?
ok, so far i have had no vision side effects. i started with 50 mg a day for 5 days. taking 2 days off. 2nd week has been 100 mg 1 hour before the gym. Also i started OE this week. I have noticed A LOT more endurance and hardness. Diet is going well too. I have lost 8 lbs so far without doing much cardio. 15 more and i will be right where i want. I will try and keep posting ....also i ordered another thing of s-4 and some GW because it was on sale....thanks for all the feedback and posts.
ok, so far i have had no vision side effects. i started with 50 mg a day for 5 days. taking 2 days off. 2nd week has been 100 mg 1 hour before the gym. Also i started OE this week. I have noticed A LOT more endurance and hardness. Diet is going well too. I have lost 8 lbs so far without doing much cardio. 15 more and i will be right where i want. I will try and keep posting ....also i ordered another thing of s-4 and some GW because it was on sale....thanks for all the feedback and posts.

wow, 8lbs so far is pretty awesome if you tell me. s4 is such a great destroyer of fat, incredible. and the side effects were pretty much overrated. it came from morons who dosed 150 mgs/day.

what is your source? uniquemicals? i wonder what will happen if you combine s4 with the GW, FAT LOSS OUT OF THIS WORLD, LOL.
ok, i have not been on here in quite some time and i apologize. total weight loss was 20lbs. i'm down to 187.5 and midway thru 2nd bottle of s4 after a 2 1/2 week break. I want to lose another 7-8lbs and get rid of this last little bit of bf. Gonna start with the Gw 501516 now.
ok, i have not been on here in quite some time and i apologize. total weight loss was 20lbs. i'm down to 187.5 and midway thru 2nd bottle of s4 after a 2 1/2 week break. I want to lose another 7-8lbs and get rid of this last little bit of bf. Gonna start with the Gw 501516 now.

GW will help quite a bit.
you need to dose gw at least 10 mg a day... 5 mg splits but to get optimal benefits, the dosing would be 20 mg a day, 10 mg splits...