Same needle to pull and pin

Doc 44

New member
Hi there Ive just realized that I only have 1 blue needle left and I need to pin Sustanon (sust) and deca tonight Is it okay to pull out of Sustanon (sust) then pull out of deca then pin with the same blue needle. I know you shouldn't n all that bit has anyone else done it. Also if I wait till tomorrow will it screw cycle up. Cheers
Won't mess anything up either way, but you will notice the needle gets dull fast. The more times you pull with it before you stick with it the worse it will be.
Cheer I just wasn't sure Incase I got infection or blunted the needle or that guess am just a bit paranoid as it's Ma first time. Cheers
its fine. i assume your injecting with a fresh tip? i know guys who use the same 21g needle for years! wtf ya cheap bastards.

in the early days i used the same 21g to widthdraw and pin LOL. feel like ur being stabbed w/ a sueing needle. I didnt know any better.