Santa gave me some HGH and.....


Livin' the dream....
Well a good friend droped of 5 boxes of this stuff. Now, I just ordered my gear for my 5th cycle. Planing a 24 week Cyp 750/Deca 500 run.

I have had good experinces with test and deca but never considered hgh. Part of the reason is I have heard that if you have a pre-exsisting condition, (Not that I have one) but hgh will increse and 'grow' those problems.

This could be media hype, however I plan to investigate further.

I read a bunch of threads here but I would like to hear from some bros who use hgh and could tell me IF I can, or should stack it with Test/Deca?

I like to keep things simple.

And I know that the gear is legit. He's a DR. but just curious was 5 boxes an expensive gift and is that enough to run a cycle...

(and yes, I will do lots of research before I use it. It just landed in my lap. lol lucky me!)

Serostim 6mg (18iu)
7 bottles per box w sterile water

39/6'1/185 19%bf
only thing i know is yes, any amount of hgh is extremely expensive. i think your friend has something wrong with him.
at 39 gh could be benefical

and yes 5 boxes is hella expensive

depending on what you want to do with it...

how many iu a day 2-3 for fat/anti aging benefits

4+ for mass
6'1'' 185lb 19bf? With 4 cycles under your belt? Im not trying to flame you bro but those stats sound pretty shitty. I think you need to rethink your training and diet.
Yea bro.....what has your diet and training been like at 6'1" and 185 have been slacking no doubt. I'm 5'7" and 195. You have some thinking to do. Here's a thought...send that to me and I'll get better results.