-SARMS INFO THREAD!--hosted by SarmsSearch.com

Im curious as to what the typical results would be on a standard run of this while on a calorie restriction? Why don't more people run this than a regular steroid or pro hormone cycle? Thanks for the info will do more research !
It doesn't yield as much results as injecting test. People who aren't reluctant to inject will do so for the gains. SARMs is nice for people who don't want to inject and are starting out with substances. It teaches you good habits like PCT and monitoring your test levels. I can't speak for the results as i haven't used it yet. Also, it's only mildly suppressive and doesn't shut down you natural test as much as AAS.

i've read your input on SARMS. Till now i've only tried Ostarine and LGD from another sponsor of this site (uniquemicals) and every time i did it separately. Never a stack. I avoided S4 because i've read some strange feedbacks on the web that reported some blindness and other ugly stuff. Considering you endorsed S4 what's your opinion on the ugly side effects reported?

Also is a stack of SARMS recommended on a steroid cycle? Double stacking the sarms and the steroids? Do they compete for the same receptors?
Im curious as to what the typical results would be on a standard run of this while on a calorie restriction? Why don't more people run this than a regular steroid or pro hormone cycle? Thanks for the info will do more research !

I ran GW-50 solo on a SEVERE calorie restriction, and I can tell you it was nothing short of amazing. And it is the most mild SARM and non suppressive. I can't wait to try some Osta + S4 ;)
Sarms are still kind of new to the bodybuilding scene, which is why they aren't as popular yet. They are gaining popularity fast though.. Do some readin and find out why.

Hands down the best thing about them is the risk to reward ratio. Check out some of the SarmsSearch logs around here :)
I ran GW-50 solo on a SEVERE calorie restriction, and I can tell you it was nothing short of amazing. And it is the most mild SARM and non suppressive. I can't wait to try some Osta + S4 ;)
Sarms are still kind of new to the bodybuilding scene, which is why they aren't as popular yet. They are gaining popularity fast though.. Do some readin and find out why.

Hands down the best thing about them is the risk to reward ratio. Check out some of the SarmsSearch logs around here :)

How was the GW? Isn't it mainly for endurance?
How was the GW? Isn't it mainly for endurance?

Awesome. Yes it is. Muscular and cardiovascular endurance shot through the roof, and considering im a 6"2 210lb guy and i only consumed 1300cals daily for two weeks, I should have barely had energy to get out of bed. Instead i still managed to kill most my of workouts, plus was runnin around at work heaps and switchin from day to night shift constantly.

Pretty sure the GW was the only thing that kept me going. If i hadn't had it, i wouldnt have made gym, wouldn't have gotten into work or i wouldv fucked my diet right off lol. Amazing stuff.
Awesome. Yes it is. Muscular and cardiovascular endurance shot through the roof, and considering im a 6"2 210lb guy and i only consumed 1300cals daily for two weeks, I should have barely had energy to get out of bed. Instead i still managed to kill most my of workouts, plus was runnin around at work heaps and switchin from day to night shift constantly.

Pretty sure the GW was the only thing that kept me going. If i hadn't had it, i wouldnt have made gym, wouldn't have gotten into work or i wouldv fucked my diet right off lol. Amazing stuff.

So it's for losing weight? How was your test after?
So it's for losing weight? How was your test after?

I'm still in PCT. Gw-50 is non-suppressive. Every other SARM is slightly suppressive. Yeah its mainly used for cutting... But honestly I'd recommend it to anyone, bulking or cutting. It's awesome, especially if you work long days or live a busy lifestyle. Think of creatine on steroids lol, minus the water weight.
I'm still in PCT. Gw-50 is non-suppressive. Every other SARM is slightly suppressive. Yeah its mainly used for cutting... But honestly I'd recommend it to anyone, bulking or cutting. It's awesome, especially if you work long days or live a busy lifestyle. Think of creatine on steroids lol, minus the water weight.

To be fair I'm sure it has its drawbacks. By the way I forgot to ask you, what do you think about using HCGenerate while on a cycle of SARMs or during PCT? Do you think it would help in any way?
To be fair I'm sure it has its drawbacks. By the way I forgot to ask you, what do you think about using HCGenerate while on a cycle of SARMs or during PCT? Do you think it would help in any way?

Well every drug has side effects so I'm sure they exist, I just didn't experience any. It's quite a mild compound so most people won't either.

To be honest I'm not really familiar with HCGenerate... but if it's similar to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) then no don't use it. Especially during PCT definetly not. HCG is suppressive... you should NEVER run anything suppressive during recovery.
As for on cycle... if you were going to use a steroid then I'd say yes definetly use HCG on cycle if you can. However for a SARMs cycle I can only see it doing more harm than good, as testicular atrophy probably isn't gonna be an issue unless your super unlucky (or had real low test to begin with.) In which case I'd say get bloodwork, and if your shutdown then start using it.

I'd recommend just a simple clomid or torem PCT following a SARMs cycle for 4 weeks. Say 50mg clomid e3d. There is no standard protocol for a SARMs PCT, but I feel this will be more than enough :)
Well every drug has side effects so I'm sure they exist, I just didn't experience any. It's quite a mild compound so most people won't either.

To be honest I'm not really familiar with HCGenerate... but if it's similar to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) then no don't use it. Especially during PCT definetly not. HCG is suppressive... you should NEVER run anything suppressive during recovery.
As for on cycle... if you were going to use a steroid then I'd say yes definetly use HCG on cycle if you can. However for a SARMs cycle I can only see it doing more harm than good, as testicular atrophy probably isn't gonna be an issue unless your super unlucky (or had real low test to begin with.) In which case I'd say get bloodwork, and if your shutdown then start using it.

I'd recommend just a simple clomid or torem PCT following a SARMs cycle for 4 weeks. Say 50mg clomid e3d. There is no standard protocol for a SARMs PCT, but I feel this will be more than enough :)

Thanks :) I'm gonna run my cycle by you when I go on it.
Well every drug has side effects so I'm sure they exist, I just didn't experience any. It's quite a mild compound so most people won't either.

To be honest I'm not really familiar with HCGenerate... but if it's similar to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) then no don't use it. Especially during PCT definetly not. HCG is suppressive... you should NEVER run anything suppressive during recovery.
As for on cycle... if you were going to use a steroid then I'd say yes definetly use HCG on cycle if you can. However for a SARMs cycle I can only see it doing more harm than good, as testicular atrophy probably isn't gonna be an issue unless your super unlucky (or had real low test to begin with.) In which case I'd say get bloodwork, and if your shutdown then start using it.

I'd recommend just a simple clomid or torem PCT following a SARMs cycle for 4 weeks. Say 50mg clomid e3d. There is no standard protocol for a SARMs PCT, but I feel this will be more than enough :)

IMO unless you're running SARMS for 8 weeks, or at high dosages, a SERM for PCT is a little much. HCGenerate (which you can't compare to HCG) and maybe an AI (not completely necessary, but could be used a precaution) would be enough. I'm running Osta, GW and S-4 currently for 6 weeks (I do 5 days on 2 days off to avoid the vision sides, I may push it at some point to see if it effects me because I'd rather keep my levels as stable as possible) and will solely be running Transform forged MHO Poppers as my "mini-PCT" for 3 weeks (I'll probably finish off an open bottle of forged PCT I have as well for the first 16 days of that 3 weeks).

Back to HCgenerate for a second, if you run the sarms stack for say, 8 weeks, HCgenerate alongside is something I've actually seen recommended by some, but I'll never have Hcgen in my "inventory", so not something I'll be doing....
IMO unless you're running SARMS for 8 weeks, or at high dosages, a SERM for PCT is a little much. HCGenerate (which you can't compare to HCG) and maybe an AI (not completely necessary, but could be used a precaution) would be enough. I'm running Osta, GW and S-4 currently for 6 weeks (I do 5 days on 2 days off to avoid the vision sides, I may push it at some point to see if it effects me because I'd rather keep my levels as stable as possible) and will solely be running Transform forged MHO Poppers as my "mini-PCT" for 3 weeks (I'll probably finish off an open bottle of forged PCT I have as well for the first 16 days of that 3 weeks).

Back to HCgenerate for a second, if you run the sarms stack for say, 8 weeks, HCgenerate alongside is something I've actually seen recommended by some, but I'll never have Hcgen in my "inventory", so not something I'll be doing....

What's the risk of running Clomid and Nolva? Seems safer.
IMO unless you're running SARMS for 8 weeks, or at high dosages, a SERM for PCT is a little much. HCGenerate (which you can't compare to HCG) and maybe an AI (not completely necessary, but could be used a precaution) would be enough. I'm running Osta, GW and S-4 currently for 6 weeks (I do 5 days on 2 days off to avoid the vision sides, I may push it at some point to see if it effects me because I'd rather keep my levels as stable as possible) and will solely be running Transform forged MHO Poppers as my "mini-PCT" for 3 weeks (I'll probably finish off an open bottle of forged PCT I have as well for the first 16 days of that 3 weeks).

Back to HCgenerate for a second, if you run the sarms stack for say, 8 weeks, HCgenerate alongside is something I've actually seen recommended by some, but I'll never have Hcgen in my "inventory", so not something I'll be doing....

There is absolutely no reason not to use a SERM for pct. The fact is they are suppressive to some degree, so a proper PCT with a serm is the safest route. There is nothing (nothing) as good as SERMs when it comes to PCT. I certainly wouldn't place my trust in anything else but the tried and true, after all this is our health we are talking about.

Secondly an AI should never be used in PCT either (excepting some specific circumstances.) Estrogen is needed for recovery too.

What's the risk of running Clomid and Nolva? Seems safer.

No risk to clomid use. Not when used properly anyway, and there is really no need to ever run it at that high a dose and duration to cause any health implications.
What's the risk of running Clomid and Nolva? Seems safer.

Never said there's a risk, just said it's not completely "needed" for most (maybe if running LGD, but...), I just don't like the sides of clomid or nolva personally, only use torem/raloxifene when I do use a serm.