-SARMS INFO THREAD!--hosted by SarmsSearch.com

Well every drug has side effects so I'm sure they exist, I just didn't experience any. It's quite a mild compound so most people won't either.

To be honest I'm not really familiar with HCGenerate... but if it's similar to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) then no don't use it. Especially during PCT definetly not. HCG is suppressive... you should NEVER run anything suppressive during recovery.
As for on cycle... if you were going to use a steroid then I'd say yes definetly use HCG on cycle if you can. However for a SARMs cycle I can only see it doing more harm than good, as testicular atrophy probably isn't gonna be an issue unless your super unlucky (or had real low test to begin with.) In which case I'd say get bloodwork, and if your shutdown then start using it.

I'd recommend just a simple clomid or torem PCT following a SARMs cycle for 4 weeks. Say 50mg clomid e3d. There is no standard protocol for a SARMs PCT, but I feel this will be more than enough :)

I was re-reading this; HCGenerate boosts your natty test. So while you might experience some shutdown from Osta, people counteract it by throwing in HCGen. Some people use it in PCT but that sounds kind of stupid to me. My concern is, people pretend that HCGen is this miracle substance, I'm just wondering what the cons are to a natty test booster. I asked on elitefitness but their mods sell this stuff and i don't trust them. I'm thinking, theoretically, if you stayed on this stuff forever, what would happen to you? Even if you use it on a normally, your natty test will eventually decline when you stop using it. Will it go back to normal levels or will it dip even lower and never recover?
I was re-reading this; HCGenerate boosts your natty test. So while you might experience some shutdown from Osta, people counteract it by throwing in HCGen. Some people use it in PCT but that sounds kind of stupid to me. My concern is, people pretend that HCGen is this miracle substance, I'm just wondering what the cons are to a natty test booster. I asked on elitefitness but their mods sell this stuff and i don't trust them. I'm thinking, theoretically, if you stayed on this stuff forever, what would happen to you? Even if you use it on a normally, your natty test will eventually decline when you stop using it. Will it go back to normal levels or will it dip even lower and never recover?

It may well boost natty test... but how does it do it? I'm wondering if it works the same way as HCG by mimicking the LH analogue? which will in turn suppress the Pituatry. If thats the case then it will boost natty test but still suppress the HPTA.

Like I said earlier I really don't know enough about it to answer your questions... All I can say is that if it is suppressive I'd be very wary of staying on it for extended periods of time. IMO just forget about it... use low dose clomid therapy after your SARMs cycle, you will be fine.

I'll also add that clomid and torem are both awesome natty test boosters... Both will be far more effective than hcgenerate and are non suppressive. There are a few people on here that run it year round or between cycles to keep test levels on the higher range. Some reports boosts of 150% of baseline.
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It may well boost natty test... but how does it do it? I'm wondering if it works the same way as HCG by mimicking the LH analogue? which will in turn suppress the Pituatry. If thats the case then it will boost natty test but still suppress the HPTA.

Like I said earlier I really don't know enough about it to answer your questions... All I can say is that if it is suppressive I'd be very wary of staying on it for extended periods of time. IMO just forget about it... use low dose clomid therapy after your SARMs cycle, you will be fine.

I'll also add that clomid and torem are both awesome natty test boosters... Both will be far more effective than hcgenerate and are non suppressive. There are a few people on here that run it year round or between cycles to keep test levels on the higher range. Some reports boosts of 150% of baseline.

That's my issue with it. How does it boost the natty test? Nobody wants to answer that. I still like the idea of using it on the cycle for the second half but I'm sort of meh on using it in PCT. I'm using CLomid in PCT 100% but I'm still mulling over the idea of HCgen in PCT.
Unheard of. Osta, like all SARMs, does not aromatise.

Naw, I was looking it up today, there have been some case. Some say it boosts estradiol. I plan to run it at the highest acceptable limit (25mg for 8 weeks). I've already bought clomid, tamox, hcgenerate and I'm looking for a good place to buy Osta.
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Naw, I was looking it up today, there have been some case. Some say it boosts estradiol. I plan to run it at the highest acceptable limit (25mg for 8 weeks). I've already bought clomid, tamox, hcgenerate and I'm looking for a good place to buy Osta.

Nope, they don't aromatise. Those cases were probably pre-existing, post cycle related or the SARM was being used in conjunction with another compound that does aromatise. If there is any increase in e2 it would be minimal. Nothing to worry about anyhow.

I suggest getting your SARMs from SarmsSearch.com.... Cant go wrong with them
Nope, they don't aromatise. Those cases were probably pre-existing, post cycle related or the SARM was being used in conjunction with another compound that does aromatise. If there is any increase in e2 it would be minimal. Nothing to worry about anyhow.

I suggest getting your SARMs from SarmsSearch.com.... Cant go wrong with them

Just do a quick google search of osta and gyno. There definitely have been cases where guys have developed gyno symptoms and even gyno. Have they had issues in the past? Probably, and the osta may have aggravated it, but there's also the fact that some people are more susceptible to it. I brought some tamox jsut in case because I feel I might be sensitive and i'd rather be proactive than reactive.

I can't do SARMSsearch. One, it's too expensive, and two, one of their bottles only last for 30 days because I'd run it at 25mg/daily. I think I'll just go with Sarms1. It's only like 100 bucks and I don't trust uniquemicals.
Just do a quick google search of osta and gyno. There definitely have been cases where guys have developed gyno symptoms and even gyno. Have they had issues in the past? Probably, and the osta may have aggravated it, but there's also the fact that some people are more susceptible to it. I brought some tamox jsut in case because I feel I might be sensitive and i'd rather be proactive than reactive.

I can't do SARMSsearch. One, it's too expensive, and two, one of their bottles only last for 30 days because I'd run it at 25mg/daily. I think I'll just go with Sarms1. It's only like 100 bucks and I don't trust uniquemicals.

I'm sorry bud but they are wrong. SARMs cannot cause gyno. I did a quick search as you said to... Which only proved my point. The first couple reports I found also mentioned the SARMs they purchased were very cheap (as you should know by now.) They admitted the possibility given the cost of producing SARMs that what they were buying either wasn't a Sarm (liq dbol, winny etc.) or mixed with another product to make it seem decent. Obviously this can be a cause of gyno. There are many other reasons as I also stated above.

I have never seen a single post that SarmsSearch product has caused gyno... Because they are the real deal, which is why they are a bit more expensive. You pay for quality bro... I thought the whole reason you were going with sarms was to avoid steroids. Why run the risk of accidentally purchasing dodgy products? This is your health we are talking about bro.

Do it right or don't do it all ;)
You serious? 100 for SARMS is more than fair. Unique sells it for 50 with mixed results so you'd expect 100 to be just fine. Probably underdosed but when you go 8 weeks it should make up for it.
You serious? 100 for SARMS is more than fair. Unique sells it for 50 with mixed results so you'd expect 100 to be just fine. Probably underdosed but when you go 8 weeks it should make up for it.

I just don't like the idea of people risking their health to save a few bucks. Sounds insane to me. Given all the reviews I've read of other companies, I think if it were underdosed you should be happy. Better than it coming mixed with liquid dianabol and shutting you down + causing high e2. May aswell have done a proper test cycle in that case.

Anyway, whoever you decide to go with do up a log and let us know how it goes hey :)
I am an idiot and didn't realize that there was 4 pages on the forum, my questions were already answered. My apologies.
My question still remains:


i've read your input on SARMS. Till now i've only tried Ostarine and LGD from another sponsor of this site (uniquemicals) and every time i did it separately. Never a stack. I avoided S4 because i've read some strange feedbacks on the web that reported some blindness and other ugly stuff. Considering you endorsed S4 what's your opinion on the ugly side effects reported?

Also is a stack of SARMS recommended on a steroid cycle? Double stacking the sarms and the steroids? Do they compete for the same receptors?
I`m no expert on S-4 but the vision sides don't scare me at all. It has a short half-life so just get off it if you need to or reduce the dosage. Also, I heard it just gives you trippy effects like not adjusting to night vision or seeing yellow. I know that should scare me more but it doesn't.
Pretty sure I addressed this if you read this thread. I talk about each product and with s4, since it's my favorite, I discuss my experiences.

The half life of s4 is very short. If you start to experience sides (usually only at high dosages), just discontinue use or drop it down. Boom they go away.

I've used s4 dozens of times over the years. Went to the eye doc, told him what to check, I passed with flying colors.

My question still remains:


i've read your input on SARMS. Till now i've only tried Ostarine and LGD from another sponsor of this site (uniquemicals) and every time i did it separately. Never a stack. I avoided S4 because i've read some strange feedbacks on the web that reported some blindness and other ugly stuff. Considering you endorsed S4 what's your opinion on the ugly side effects reported?

Also is a stack of SARMS recommended on a steroid cycle? Double stacking the sarms and the steroids? Do they compete for the same receptors?