-SarmsSearch.com is looking for loggers! MUST READ!-


New member
To kick off the new year, SarmsSearch.com is on the lookout for some loggers!
***For GREAT info, check out my informative post regarding Sarms: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...sarms-info-thread-hosted-sarmssearch-com.html

I have bottles of each of our products to give to lucky applicants:
- S4
- Ostarine
- GW501516
- LGD-4033
- MK-677

- Must give DETAILED posts (what you did in the gym, dosage of each you took, etc). Please include links to previous logs you've run so that I may see how well you keep up. Checking in once a week with "Worked out today" is NOT acceptable! You're getting FREE stuff, so it's not asking much that you TRULY log it!

Got your eye on one in particular? OR would you like to run a stack, including our famous TRIPLE STACK (S4, Osta, GW)?

Send me a PM, tell me which you'd like to log, and why I should choose you. Only a handful will be chosen. Lets get this new year started right, get your beach bods early this year! :dance2:
I assume the only "supplements" we would be allowed to partake in during this time period are the sarms?
Does one of these boost GH ? I am curious about an oral GH booster. but not that BS GNC herb crap they try to push.
Does one of these boost GH ? I am curious about an oral GH booster. but not that BS GNC herb crap they try to push.

Indeed, that would be our MK677, it's a GH secretagogue :) I plan on running it solo after my next triple stack run. Very interested in it's healing properties.