SarmsSearch SARMs vs Other Vendors


New member
I previously posted this, but it was lost with the server issue that took out 2days worth of posts. Hope no one minds a repost, I think it is good info to keep around. We all know SarmsSearch is a trusted brand that has good gear. That is not what this topic is about, so read on and see if you agree with my findings.

I have been looking at many vendors of SARMs recently. I wanted to see if the different vendors all had the same basic explanation as to what SARMs are, what each type does for you, what the dosing is, etc. I also wanted to see pricing as well. I was happy to find that all the different vendors said basically the same thing about all the different types of SARMs and all had the same recommended dosing. That put my mind at ease quite a bit, as standardization has appeared in SARMs use. We all know it has been trial and error since SARMs are new (compared to AAS). Of course, as new SARMs appear, trial and error will again be needed...but that is to be expected.

The big difference between the vendors I noticed was price. For example, SarmsSearch is twice the price of many of the other vendors. Why the large difference? SarmsSearch is high quality, but unless the other vendors are selling complete crap, twice the price is not justified. It had to be something else -my spidey sense was tingling that there was more to be found...and all smart people listen when their spidey sense is tingling.

Digging deeper, I found the answer, and it was staring me in the face (literally). SarmsSearch sells S4 in 30ml bottles at 100mg/ml. The other vendors sell S4 in 20ml bottles at 50mg/ml. What does this mean? Well, doing the math (which I will spare you from seeing), it means you are getting MORE product from SarmsSearch than you do from the other vendors. SarmsSearch gives you 3 times the product for twice the price.

So always be careful when you see a low or a high price - there often is more to it than you initially see.

For those who want the math:

30ml * 100mg/ml = 3000mg (SarmsSearch)
20ml * 50mg/ml = 1000mg (other vendors)

You need to buy 3 bottles S4 from the other vendors in order to get the same amount of S4 in 1 bottle from SarmsSearch.
The one thing I have noticed with SARMs and Peptides, ia that there are a lot of sales. You can get a lot more bang for your buck by waiting for one of their frequent specials to come along -- regardless of vendor. Not sure if you compared sale prices to sale prices when you did your comparison.
I did not, no. I just used the standard prices listed on the web sites. I also did not use the 30% off code for SarmsSearch or any other vendor either. I figure their list price is what they consider a fair price for their product.

You are definitely right, using codes and sales can drastically change the bang for the buck. I have seen up to 50% off codes now and again. But to be honest, it was just too hard to find that kind of data to use. :)
Now, just to be a bit completest about this (and for more full disclosure), I only looked at 4 different vendors chosen randomly by selecting them from various boards. There are MANY more out there, so I could easily have missed some. I also selected S4 as my test item because it is the first item on the list at SarmsSearch and, frankly, I am a bit lazy that way.

Eventually I plan on looking at a lot more SARMs vendors just to see if somehow I hit a glut of low concentration ones (very possible) and I plan on looking at other SARMs (not just S4). I have to study and take a Cisco 942-xxx or a 300-xxx level exam in a few months or lose my certs, so it will have to wait. Somehow I can see me procrastinating until the last minute and then cramming everything and squeaking by with 1 point above the minimum...
SARMS is something Ive been keeping my eye on. I did my first AS cycle this year and all though great coming off was a nightmare. Im too young to blast and cruise so Ive been looking at alternatives and SARMS seem promising but then again they also do not. It seems like most the positive things I see are reps trying to push their product. Ive read the science behind them but my question is how can such a newly discovered and advanced substance be sold online so easily? Makes me question the legitimacy.
The reason they are sold online so easily is because all of the data about the substance is detailed in the testing and trials. The real work is in reverse engineering the chemical formula and being able to reproduce it with a high level of quality. Until a SARM is actually approved by the government for sale no one is losing any money with the current vendors selling it. Without a monetary incentive to stop them, Big Pharma simply does not care. Once could also say they are most likely watching the use of their not quite ready product by people like us and seeing what we gain from it, sides, etc. That way they can tailor their testing with this information in mind. Though that last bit falls squarely into the realm of conspiracy theory. ;)
True, but how do these companies even have the capability of reverse engineering these substances? That must be pricey. Just take a look at RAD 140, it came on the market just recently and its a fairly new sarm and they are selling it already
True, but how do these companies even have the capability of reverse engineering these substances? That must be pricey. Just take a look at RAD 140, it came on the market just recently and its a fairly new sarm and they are selling it already

I built a ceiling mounted plasma TV track system that allows me to move my Plasma TV from the side of the room (with the TV parallel to the wall), to the center of the room (with the TV moving 90deg to be perpendicular to the wall) by reverse engineering some schematics I saw of a company that makes a motorized version. I then found off the shelf parts to use to build the track system and was able to build a non-motorized version for under $300 while the company that makes the motorized version wants around $2000 for their version. I had to worry about power, HDMI, etc., weight distribution, circular twisting, angular momentum during movement, and many other things, but I found it easy enough to do once I had a working system to reverse engineer.

I suspect that people who understand how these SARMs are made are able to reverse engineer them simply because they understand them.
It is ALWAYS good to be skeptical - especially of anything new; I commend you on it. Analogies and parables have always been favorites of mine, I enjoy using them. :)
I built a ceiling mounted plasma TV track system that allows me to move my Plasma TV from the side of the room (with the TV parallel to the wall), to the center of the room (with the TV moving 90deg to be perpendicular to the wall) by reverse engineering some schematics I saw of a company that makes a motorized version. I then found off the shelf parts to use to build the track system and was able to build a non-motorized version for under $300 while the company that makes the motorized version wants around $2000 for their version. I had to worry about power, HDMI, etc., weight distribution, circular twisting, angular momentum during movement, and many other things, but I found it easy enough to do once I had a working system to reverse engineer.

I suspect that people who understand how these SARMs are made are able to reverse engineer them simply because they understand them.

YES, excellent analogy bro!

I've been a long time customer of SS long before I was a rep. I tried every other sarms company you could think of....(literally). All had mixed reviews, and products ranged from "ok" to "wtf is this crap?!" I'm talking anxiety, sore nipples, depression, acne...none of which I've ever gotten from SS products. I kept trying other companies due to crazy low prices and it was always too good to be true. Yes I'm a rep, but I'm also here for the people because I myself was a newb at one point, getting frustrated over bad products and misleading reviews.

SS all the way for me :)
I personally cant find a niche where sarms make any sense at all. They are all suppressive enough (with the exception of maybe s4) that you might as well use aas. If your going to suppress your hpta you might as well get better results while doing so.
The legality argument doesn't even hold water with the level of legal pro hormones available as well.
Sarms read like a dream come true, but the reality is a lot different than the dream. The reality is they cant and shouldn't be used in pct or between cycles, they are not selective enough in their effects exerted on the androgen receptor, and certain real steroids as well as certain legal ProHormones offer you superior results with the same safety profile.
They just arent there yet. The day they are Ill be jumping for joy, but they just arent.
There is a niche, just not a big one. You have a lot of people who do not want to inject anything, and they end up trying to use orsl only AAS cycles, which is just terrible. SARMs are a good alternative for such people.

Also, SARMs such as rad 140 hold great promise as well. But you are definitely right, SARMs are weaker than aas. They are in their infancy, their best days are ahead of them. If there's one thing that I definitely trust, it is that Big Pharma will produce a good drug that they can make a lot of money off of. Big Pharma's currently betting on SARMs as their next round of money makers.
I personally cant find a niche where sarms make any sense at all. They are all suppressive enough (with the exception of maybe s4) that you might as well use aas. If your going to suppress your hpta you might as well get better results while doing so.
The legality argument doesn't even hold water with the level of legal pro hormones available as well.
Sarms read like a dream come true, but the reality is a lot different than the dream. The reality is they cant and shouldn't be used in pct or between cycles, they are not selective enough in their effects exerted on the androgen receptor, and certain real steroids as well as certain legal ProHormones offer you superior results with the same safety profile.
They just arent there yet. The day they are Ill be jumping for joy, but they just arent.

They are not all suppressive (gw) and s4 is suppressive
Well considering GW isnt even a sarm at all & if s4 is suppressive as you say that even bolsters my position even more.

Where the hell do you get that Sarms don't offer much in results? If you take a newbie or a person that has a shitty routine and hand them aas and Sarms neither will offer shit in regards to results. I've ran Sarms cycles that rival aas cycles. If you haven't ran them where is your position to bash them. I'm running very low dose S4 Osta stack and I'm up 12lbs in 8 weeks right now and that's with a small bit of fat loss. A newbie couldn't achieve that with tren ace. So i ask why you're speaking negatively of them???????
Where the hell do you get that Sarms don't offer much in results? If you take a newbie or a person that has a shitty routine and hand them aas and Sarms neither will offer shit in regards to results. I've ran Sarms cycles that rival aas cycles. If you haven't ran them where is your position to bash them. I'm running very low dose S4 Osta stack and I'm up 12lbs in 8 weeks right now and that's with a small bit of fat loss. A newbie couldn't achieve that with tren ace. So i ask why you're speaking negatively of them???????

Well I was going to explain the difference between stating my opinion and bashing until I viewed your post history. You see I didn't quite understand why you would take my posts as bashing anything nor why you would take such offense, but then it all became clear.
Upon viewing you post history it became clear to me that you epitomize the definition of a shill so I will save my typing for someone that matters and let everyone else view you post history as well so they too can see you are nothing but a shill with an agenda. I on the other hand have nothing to gain or lose by using or not using, pushing or not pushing sarms and all I have done is state my opinion. You are entitled to yours, as I am entitled to mine. Its just that mine has no shill like agenda attached.
Gentlemen lets keep this thread civil. All are entitled to their opinion/opinions but lets make or take them personal. Getting tired of personal attacks just because someone doesn't like someone else's opinion so it wont be tolerated in this or any other threads man.
Thank You.
Well I was going to explain the difference between stating my opinion and bashing until I viewed your post history. You see I didn't quite understand why you would take my posts as bashing anything nor why you would take such offense, but then it all became clear.
Upon viewing you post history it became clear to me that you epitomize the definition of a shill so I will save my typing for someone that matters and let everyone else view you post history as well so they too can see you are nothing but a shill with an agenda. I on the other hand have nothing to gain or lose by using or not using, pushing or not pushing sarms and all I have done is state my opinion. You are entitled to yours, as I am entitled to mine. Its just that mine has no shill like agenda attached.

You negatively REPPED me because I ask you why you spoke badly of Sarms when you haven't experimented with them? Come on bro i didn't do that to you, instead I invite you and "all the questionable members of the forum to look at my logs" that's why I make them lol. And if we are going to voice opinions depending on the individual, dose and routine Sarms very well can rival aas. Sarms are legal Sarms do not destroy your liver and kidneys or cause dibetes. I'm not saying aas don't have a place or trying to say they are obsolete, that'd be silly. What I'm saying is that Sarms have already established thier place in physique enhancement. I'm anticipating the day I stack aas and Sarms because I want to see the results.