SarmsSearch Sponsored GW-50 Log


New member
OK, first let me start by saying SarmsSearch sent me a bottle of GW50 to run if I would log it. I have heard great things about GW50, but also some say it does nothing for them, so I wanted to put it to the test. I have been having motivational issues lately, due to traumatic events in my life and getting sick. Excuses, not reasons, I know, but that is the reality of it.

As part of my effort to kickstart and reboot my fire and desire to excel, I thought of SarmsSearch and the "Energy in a Bottle" knows as GW50. It has a longer name, and is not actually a SARM, but I will get to that. I love pontificating, and it is MY log, so I am going to do it. Feel free to roll your eyes, but don't lose out on the knowledge you can gain by reading it all! :)

What is GW50?
GW501516, a PPAR Agonist. This means it is NOT a SARM, but we all call it one anyway. Stolen directly from Wikipedia:

Mode of action

GW501516 is a selective agonist (activator) of the PPAR; receptor.[29]

In rats, binding of GW501516 to PPAR recruits the coactivator PGC-1. The PPAR/coactivator complex in turn upregulates the expression of proteins involved in energy expenditure.[30] Furthermore, in rats treated with GW501516, increased fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle and protection against diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes was observed. In obese rhesus monkeys, GW501516 increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowered very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL).[30]

The Wikipedia article is sourced, so if you want the down and dirty, just follow the link then click the little numbers and get the medical journals on it. But basically, it gives you a TON of extra energy while potentially reducing your risk of one type of diabetes and potentially shifting you from bad to good cholesteral - all at the same time!

Now onto what is on everyone's mind - the bad side of GW50. Dun, Dun, Dun.....

Does GW50 Cause Cancer?
Yes, in both mice and rats it causes cancer. In humans? We do not know. The companies developing it failed safe and decided to just shelve the product altogether. Lawsuits would eat them alive even if their product was cleared in the end. Here is what the test study on mice says:

GW501516, a non-genotoxic PPAR agonist, was assessed for carcinogenic potential by daily administration (oral gavage) to CD1 mice for 104 weeks at doses of 0, 10, 30, 60 or 80 mg/kg/day. Survival was decreased at doses of 30 mg/kg/day.
Item 896 in

Other cancers were triggered at 10mg/kg/day. They claim "all doses" in the studies, but the only dose lower than 10mg/kg/day was no dose at all...and you cannot blame GW50 if mice and rats got cancer while NOT taking it. But let that dose amount sink in a bit. I weigh around 84kg, which means I would need to drink down 840mg a day to be at their LOWEST dose!!!! My god man, at that level I am not surprised it did not cause spontaneous combustion of the mice and rats! The recommended dosing if a human were to imbibe the GW50 is:

GW50- you can start at 10mg per day taken in two 5mg doses, do 15mg taken in one 10mg dose followed by a 5mg dose later, or go straight to the recommended 20mg per day taken in two 10mg doses. You don't HAVE to do two separate doses in any case; it has a nice half life. I just prefer splitting lol

At that low of a dose, the risk of cancer is essentially none, imo. Your tolerance of risk may be lower than mine, just a warning.

I wish they would have spent the time and money to find out how it relates to humans, though. A classic example of the need to do that type of research is Saccharine. Saccharine causes stomach cancer in rats. HOWEVER, recent studies (a few years old now) have shows that the process by which rats get stomach cancer from Saccharine do not exist in humans, so humans cannot get cancer from Saccharine. Subsequently, the warning as been removed from the pink packs. I love the taste of Saccharine and I am glad it never caused cancer. Funny aside is that I smoked for a few years in the Navy. So there I was smoking a cigarette, standing 50 or so feet away from a nuclear reactor, pouring a packet of Saccharine in my coffee cup. A guy looks at me and says, with a straight face, "you know that stuff causes cancer?" I had to laugh. :)

With all that stated, I am starting my log tonight when I drink down 20mg of GW50, wait 30 minutes, and head to the gym. I will update either later tonight with my thoughts or tomorrow. I am not sure if GW50 needs time to build up or if it is like a pre-workout, you get it right away. I suppose I am to find out soon enough!
Bro I'm on my 5 th week of first cycle and I've tried split dose for am/pm and full dose pre workout. Either way I can go all day in the gym with gas in the tank! Great stuff. Stacking with s4 and ostarine.
My thoughts on GW:
Theoretically, if it lowers LDL and raises HDL, then you should be able to stack it with anabolics like Test and mitigate side-effects. Right?
My thoughts on GW:
Theoretically, if it lowers LDL and raises HDL, then you should be able to stack it with anabolics like Test and mitigate side-effects. Right?

I think if it does what it claims to do, it would stack great with Tren. One of the potential side effects of Tren is a greatly diminished cardio capability.

So yesterday I took the GW50, but I screwed the pooch and also took my normal pre-workout. Yeah, not a good idea if I am trying to see how my endurance and recovery are affected by GW. I have to call yesterday a wash, I do not know which of the two products were in play.

But today I went to the gym for leg day and took my second GW50 dose about an hour before. I am going to shift to taking it in the morning just to help me out all day. I noticed a faster recovery between sets. Not an amazing "oh my god" type of recovery, but certainly enough to be noticeable. Obviously I did not do cardio today - the elliptical after leg day is suicide. I do not feel as bad right now as I would have expected, an hour and a half after the workout is over. No pre-workout or TNE or such today, just the GW50.

So far, I am going to say I can feel its affects. My gym is open from 6am to noon tomorrow (wow, right?), so I am going to see if I can get in arms and cardio tomorrow morning. Cardio is where I would expect GW50 to shine.
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I think the GW fully kicked in last night. I was pretty tired around midnight, but needed to do one last thing in my fixing of my HTPC. By the time I was done (15 minutes later), I was fully awake and would have headed to the gym but it closed at 10pm for Thanksgiving. Yeah, odd since it is open right now (I plan on heading there in another hour or so for some cardio).

I took my third dose this morning, lets see how today goes. :)

OK, made it to the gym this morning before they closed for Thanksgiving and did my cardio session. I took the GW50 about 2.5 hours before going, which also happened to be first thing in the morning. I noticed a difference when I was doing my cardio. Normally, at the 5 minute mark I want to quit, but I tell myself to go until 10 mins and then I will quit. At 10 minutes I tell myself I am halfway, so I should go until at least 15 minutes so I can say I did most of the session. At 15 minutes I tell myself I only have 5 minutes left and 5 minutes is not so bad. I then complete the 20 minute session and do the 5 minute cool down with ease.

Today, I did not feel like I wanted to quit until the 12 minute mark. At that point I realized it was silly to even play the game I always play and just pounded out the last 8 minutes with gusto.

To me, this says the GW needs a little time to build up in my system before it starts to work. I am eager to find out what it is like 12 hours after ingestion.
Day 4 (yesterday)

Same results as day 3. I felt that I recovered faster between sets and that cardio was easier to complete. I am going to try a slightly higher dose on Day 5 to see if there is a difference. I will post about it after hitting the gym.
Day 5 and 6

Upped my dose to 30mg and it made a huge difference! I did NOT want to the gym yesterday...I just did not feel intonit. But I went and I killed it! I found myself not getting wiped out by the same weights that wiped me out last week. I wisely did not up weights so as to not hurt myself, but if the effects stay I certainly will up them.

I then, 8 hours later, I did ANOTHER cardiovascular session and again it was far easier than normal. These two times I did not feel like quitting until the 15 minute mark instead of the 5 minute mark (which is where I normally want to quit without GW50).
Really considering getting me some for my spring cut. Sounds like it would be perfect for those 4am cardio sessions!
As a matter of fact, my sleep schedule shifted during the holiday season and most of my cardio has been done at about 4am. :)

So far, every day from 5 on out has been the same, extra energy and less desire to just quit. That last part is what I really need right real idea why it is happening though. The extra energy and faster recovery speed? Sure, I understand the science behind it. Psychology is something I understand very poorly...but I am happy it is happening. :)
Usually within an hour of waking up. I played around with timing and found that if I took it too late I could not sleep.
I'm the same way. I like, if possible, to take all of my stuff 1st thing in the morning. Just an easier routine for me too.
just when I started to get the hang of some of this, now theres a log on this - shit man lol

good luck and following
Day 10

It has fully kicked in now. I know most people do not need to have it build up in their system, but I have always been unusual. :) Today I did all 20 minutes of cardio without feeling like I wanted to quit once. Not a single time did I say "fuck it, I want to be done" and have to talk myself out of stopping. Nope, the energy was there to keep on going and the music was righteous in my headset. Combined, they made me not even realize I had done 18 minutes - that was the first time I bothered to look at the timer. I was going to do 30 minutes, but I actually had to get home and do stuff.

I will probably shift to 25 minute sessions and see if it takes me the entire way through it without the desire to quit. GW50 really works for me...and as 3J can attest, I have had motivation problems lately. If nothing else, the energy it has given me has also given me the desire to push myself harder.

I do not think I want to do any cuts without GW50 from here on out. I already have another bottle on the way!
Day 13

Effect is still the same. Was wondering if I would stay "getting used to it" and have to stop for a bit. I will keep using the GW until I reach that point, then take a two week break to let everything clear itself out.
hey cyb, how long did you say you were running this? i know this isnt a per say, but do you think you could run a bulk with this or too much energy
I think it would really help with a bulk, provided you are going to hit the weights hard during the bulk. It is helping me to recover faster between sets, which gets me out of the gym sooner for the same amount of work. Quality over quantity.