save 2ml for later?

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
guys just wanted to mention

in brewing your own gear, do you really need to save 2ml of oil for later injecting into the whatman filter in your last step? i mean i don't think that's practical.

why don't people just mix the powder with the ba, let it dissolve(or low heat), add the sterile oil, draw out from mixing vial/put it into sterile vial through filter and bam....your done.

i don't get it? do you guys? 2ml for what? give me a break.
It purges the filter. You see, youll always have some extra oil in that filter no matter how much air you pass through in the end. Would you rather have hormone/oil stuck in there or just oil via purging?
old timer said:
guys just wanted to mention

in brewing your own gear, do you really need to save 2ml of oil for later injecting into the whatman filter in your last step? i mean i don't think that's practical.

why don't people just mix the powder with the ba, let it dissolve(or low heat), add the sterile oil, draw out from mixing vial/put it into sterile vial through filter and bam....your done.

i don't get it? do you guys? 2ml for what? give me a break.

so you asking why do we have to filter the hormone and solvent? for the same reason the oil is sterile. adding hormone/solvent to streile oil will not yeild a sterile final solution.