Sciatic Nerve


New member
Looking for some insight from others who have had sciatic nerve problems. I've been training for well over 20 years and have had minor problems here and there. However, this time its much more intense.

Think I may have done it on a leg press machine. Squats never bothered me much, but leg press seems to smash my lower back. Been a long time since I used a leg press, but last saturday I did a few sets and now I'm screwed. Can hardly walk.

Got X-ray this past friday along with MRI. I see Dr. again on tuesday to go over results. My question is simply if anyone has had this type injury and what you did to help get through it. Doctor said he's almost positive it the nerve being compressed, but films will show for sure tuesday.

Any insight would be appreciated.
I suffered a serious injury to my sciatic nerve a few years ago doing deadlifts, very painfull put me out of work for 6wks; only thing that will heal it is rest. The way you've breifly described it sounds very simlar to what happened to me. Hate to say it but your probly going to have to take a break from lifting for a time, sucks I know but trust me you DON"T want it getting worse and if your hurting so bad now you can hardly walk then your already in it pretty bad.
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Thanks milenko. Thats what I was afraid to hear. I haven't been able to lift for a week and it still feels the same. Has not improved at all. So it seems I'm going to be down for awhile.

Milenko did you have to change your training because of the injury after it healed? Are there certain lifts you cant do now even though its been a few years since you were injured?

O.K. thanks again for responding milenko.
No prob bro, I stay away from squats. I've tried doing them since but no matter how good I try to keep my form squats aggrevate the hell out of the sciatic, hack squats are considerably better. I don't go heavy on deadlifts anymore either as this also is asking for reinjury for me. You'll probly have to re-tune your own routine as well, not go heavy heavy on certain exercises and what not. Big problem with this kind of injury from what my doctors told me is that once you've hurt your sciatic it will give you problems for the rest of your life. Just lift smart and you should do okay though:)
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milenko said:
No prob bro, I stay away from squats. I've tried doing them since but no matter how good I try to keep my form squats aggrevate the hell out of the sciatic, hack squats are considerably better. I don't go heavy on deadlifts anymore either as this also is asking for reinjury for me. You'll probly have to re-tune your own routine as well, not go heavy heavy on certain exercises and what not. Big problem with this kind of injury from what my doctors told me is that once you've hurt your sciatic it will give you problems for the rest of your life. Just lift smart and you should do okay though:)

Well that answers that then. Looks like I'll be changing a few things in my routine.

Again Milenko thanks for your help. I appreciate it very much.
i irritated my sciatic nerve a few months ago. it lasted almost a month. i fixed it by lots of rest, stretching of hamstings and piraformis (butt), back. and stopped lifting weights, fighting and doing cardio. any questions, let me know.
OC Cartel said:
i irritated my sciatic nerve a few months ago. it lasted almost a month. i fixed it by lots of rest, stretching of hamstings and piraformis (butt), back. and stopped lifting weights, fighting and doing cardio. any questions, let me know.

Hey thanks OC. Just got back from neuro spine Dr. The MRI shows I have a herniated L3-4 disk that is sitting right on the nerve. He said surgery might be needed, but first I'm down for 4 to 6 weeks he said.

This just sucks. I cant even walk right now. I'll adjust though. Thanks for the stretching advise. Going to have alot of time on my hands for it.

OC, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Helps very much. Its a big relief knowing how others have gotten though this.
urripped said:
Hey thanks OC. Just got back from neuro spine Dr. The MRI shows I have a herniated L3-4 disk that is sitting right on the nerve. He said surgery might be needed, but first I'm down for 4 to 6 weeks he said.

This just sucks. I cant even walk right now. I'll adjust though. Thanks for the stretching advise. Going to have alot of time on my hands for it.

OC, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Helps very much. Its a big relief knowing how others have gotten though this.


how things workin for the problem?
get to the chiropractor, look for one that is certified in flexion-distraction, just my opinion but surgery is opening up a whole other can of worms, segments above and below L3-L4 will have to compensate thus causing undue wear and tear causing them to fail next. try the chiropractor first. just my 2 cents