SDMZ 4.0 and gyno.. Help?


New member
Hey guys im new here and am seeking help! So I may just be a hypochondriac (someone who makes themselves believe they have something when they really don't), but I am on my 3rd day of it(SDMZ 4.0) and I am freaking out about gyno. I don't think I can even get it yet? But my right nipple doesn't hurt when I push or anything I just feel like it's a tiny bit sensitive, it really doesn't even hurt its just sensative. I'm running ultra male, e-control, cycle support, and have tamoixfen citrate on tab just in case.... What should I do?
well do you usually feel like something is wrong with you when it isn't??

im not an expert on sdmz... so i dont know if it aromatizes ..

but playing it safe you can run tamo at 20mg a day to make sure