Seated Shoulder Press


New member
I'm really having trouble doing seated shoulder presses. Especially since I completely stopped doing them for months because I got frustrated with them . ; ) I really have to implement a good shoulder workout plan.

When I'm doing shoulder presses I tend to let the weights go behind me when I'm pressing them and it really throws my back out of order. I really doubt it's from lifting too much weight it's been pretty much the same weight since I started going to the gym almost a year ago. Could it be from a weak lower back?

Typical shoulder day usually consist of:

1)Overhead Shoulder Press Machine - I really enjoy this machine. Likely because I see myself getting stronger on it. When I first started 115lbs was max. I can do 200lbs now. I would of thought that this would of improved my DB shoulder presses, but they really haven't budged.

2)Front Deltoid Raises

3)Side Lateral Raises

4)Upright Row (Barbell)

5)Shoulder Shrugs (DB)

I think it's a pretty weak shoulder workout routine. I really want to include some heavier exercises, but have to fix my problem with the shoulder press first. Any suggestions
switch from machine to either db seated or BB standing press even if you start lighter you will get a lot more out of it. you should probably drop the upright rows( some day the damage they cause even when properly done will catch up to you).
something like this maybe

standing BB press 5x6-8
raises as tri set
front 3x8-10
side 3x8-10
b/o slrs or face pulls 3x10-12

or better

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Behind the neck presses have worked very well for me for shoulder development. I only bring the weight don to the center line of the head and not all of the way. Lateley I have gotten into doing power cleans and over head presses to build power. If you strech properly after working out and on days off that helps from preventing shoulder injuries. Like the poster above said up right rows can cause shoulder damage. Shame about that cause I like doing them.
Yeah, it sounds like to me that your form is off. If the weights are going behind your head (like a military press) your form is wrong. I would agree with others and start doing seated or standing shoulder presses with dumbells & start using shoulder machines until you get your form just right. FYI-military presses should be incorporated to your workout once your form is right. However, you should only be doing MP's maybe once or twice a month.
my shoulders never respond unless i pound them with double or triple sets. try a db press, supersetted with lateral raises, and then a front raise. then for your second set of exercises do upright rows, heavy shrugs, and seated rear delt raises all supersetted. it will make your shoulders feel like jello for sure. it works for me, and there are plenty more shoulder exercises to mix in