good man nice wait
dose of test ?
anti e s used if any
y not do it again at 25-50 percent more ?
Why young buck s need to stack asap is beyond me...oh wait...I too was a young dumb full of cum know it offense o p.
Funny! I was thinking of doing just test 2nd time around (750mg/wk).. I'd listen to this dude right here OP. He's been there, done all of that and some.
Although!, If you must add another substance this time rather than upping the Test a bit only, follow the KISS principle and add only 1, preferably one that is also not Tren.
Examples I've seen most recommended are; (More Test), (More Test + Deca), (More Test + EQ) (More Test + Dbol Kickstart).
Now, I'm not going to say whether this is good or bad, but I've also heard some say it doesn't hurt to do More Test + EQ + 4-6 week Dbol (30mg/day) Kickstarter. EQ is slow to see, from what I've read. Dbol will be the "2nd" compound in the beginning, while EQ will be the "2nd" compound later on. Anyone with any sense will know that once you put that EQ in, it's in. It's in your blood and it's doing something.. so technically, yes, 3 substances will be there.. but! Like I said, I've read that some do this 2nd time around and that's how they've justified it.
Personally I've been leaning toward : (Test Only at 750/wk), or (Test 750/wk + EQ 600-800/wk)
good man nice wait
dose of test ?
anti e s used if any
y not do it again at 25-50 percent more ?
Why young buck s need to stack asap is beyond me...oh wait...I too was a young dumb full of cum know it offense o p.
Thats not a bad idea to up the dose at all but man i just wanna get my hands on the good stuff already haha, im thinking of a cycle of test + deca do you have the link to that kiss principle by any chance?
I really didn't get much gains from just test e i feel adding another compound will really give me that extra edge.. if i do end up adding an additional compound whats your opinion of a test+deca one?
what part of my post confused you
did u read it ?
did you look up 19 nors vs test based drugs
I m about to red rep you for being LAZY G D IT.
trained and ate like my mom
Go read WHY I said NO 19 nor s on a rookie s got12 hour s to answer my homework assignment I m tired of kids fucking themselves up....this generation s so darn...gimmee gimmee gimmee
I m trying to keep u from making milk..or deca dick or.....WORSE
If you didn't get much gains on a test cycle something is off.. most likely your diet.
3J knows how to optimize your diet AND GEAR IN CONJUNCTION....he s not allowed to run a company called Optimize Your Proper Diet to maximize ur Gear----or he would.
He forgot more than I know.
3J knows how to optimize your diet AND GEAR IN CONJUNCTION....he s not allowed to run a company called Optimize Your Proper Diet to maximize ur Gear----or he would.
He forgot more than I know.
thats exactly what it was... a cycle without a proper diet is like sitting in a ferrari without gas in the tank.. feels great to be in there, but youre not getting anywhere..
your diet will dictate 80% of your results out of a cycle.. so be smart with it.. if you dont know how to eat to grow you wont grow with or without compounds..
check out my free diet advice sticky if you need help..
or if you want a professional to handle your nutrition, consider hiring me.. contact me at for more info.. or check out the links below
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.