Second cycle (need advice)


New member
My first cycle consisted of test e 500mg a week 10 weeks, great gains but a lot of water retention. Second cycle I'm gonna start with dbol (pink Thais .5mg) 30 mg a day for 4 weeks and starting 600mg test e from week 2 - 12. I'm nervous about the dbol from all the bad I heard from back pain, high Bp, loss of appetite & racing heart, what is your feedback on dbol?

I'm gonna run NAC, liv 52, b12.

Should I use letro for gyno complications and what pct should I run? :scratchhe
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Why are you waiting 1 week to start test? Start it with the dbol so it kicks in by the time you finish dbol.

Everyone will react a little differently to dbol, but it isn't necessarily a bad oral. Give it a shot and see how you feel, its super cheap. Back pump can be helped with Taurine.
Here's how your cycle should look like.

Test-e wk 1-12
dbol wk 1-4
Aromasin or Arimidex 1-14
HCG week 1-12
NAC wk 1-4 2400mg ed. week 5-14 1200mg ed.

as stated above.

For Arimidex use .25mg every other day. For Aromasin 15mg Everyday.
You have to take Adex or Aromasin, it's not optional for a successful cycle.
Letro is too strong so don't use it.
Most side effects are from elevated estrogen, not from steroids. Taking Adex or Aromasin will solve this problem.
Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to avoid testicular atrophy and for greater chance of recovery. This is also a must for a well planned cycle.
Good Luck.
Quick question Dex, I picked up aramidex and its solid white no score on either side or marking, is it fake?
Quick question Dex, I picked up aramidex and its solid white no score on either side or marking, is it fake?

I have a prescription from my doctor for Aramidex and it is exactly as you describe, it is a bitch to break in half but a pill slitter that you can buy at any pharmacy helps.