Second Vial of Gear BROKE! PCT HELP.


New member
Im on week 5 of a 10 week cycle and my second vial of gear fell off the sink and broke. To top if off my only source flaked out on me and it looks like I will have to cut this cycle short at 5 weeks. My question is do I stick to the same PCT as if I ran a 10 week cycle (starting clomid and Nolva 2 weeks after last pin) or does time and dosing change. If so, what would my PCT look like.

BTW Im running Test E 250ml Mon and Thurs. plus taking aromisin 12.5ml EOD.
Just wondering why are u drawing from,vials over the sink? You'd be easily be able to avoid this by drawing sitting down and prepping everything on a table and when your done drawing put everything away first then go pin in restroom/where you pinn..

Off the top of my head I am thinking you probably warming vial in sink but that too can be done on a table.. just pour hot water in a cup with enough water too cover about half of the vial. This is how I do it.
Im on week 5 of a 10 week cycle and my second vial of gear fell off the sink and broke. To top if off my only source flaked out on me and it looks like I will have to cut this cycle short at 5 weeks. My question is do I stick to the same PCT as if I ran a 10 week cycle (starting clomid and Nolva 2 weeks after last pin) or does time and dosing change. If so, what would my PCT look like.

BTW Im running Test E 250ml Mon and Thurs. plus taking aromisin 12.5ml EOD.

Yes you are still shutdown after 5 weeks so keep your pct the same.
It was just a bone head move. I pin first thing in the morning. I was running late for work and in a hurry. Moving all my wife's crap out of the way and as I pushed all her crap to the side it actually hit my bag I keep my gear in and it fell off the sink and broke. I say sink, but it's actually a big countertop with two sinks. Of course I blame her for my bonehead move.

Anyways thanks for the advice I appreciate it!
It was just a bone head move. I pin first thing in the morning. I was running late for work and in a hurry. Moving all my wife's crap out of the way and as I pushed all her crap to the side it actually hit my bag I keep my gear in and it fell off the sink and broke. I say sink, but it's actually a big countertop with two sinks. Of course I blame her for my bonehead move.

Anyways thanks for the advice I appreciate it!
That sucks bro
It was just a bone head move. I pin first thing in the morning. I was running late for work and in a hurry. Moving all my wife's crap out of the way and as I pushed all her crap to the side it actually hit my bag I keep my gear in and it fell off the sink and broke. I say sink, but it's actually a big countertop with two sinks. Of course I blame her for my bonehead move.

Anyways thanks for the advice I appreciate it!
Things do happen. I'd never run without a backup vial or 2 for stupid reasons like that. That's never good though bro nothing worse then letting a good vial go like that. R.I.P the beautiful vial she will be greatly missed.
Bro I feel for you I spilt my nolva just before starting pct and had real trouble getting some more I know the stress!
Things do happen. I'd never run without a backup vial or 2 for stupid reasons like that. That's never good though bro nothing worse then letting a good vial go like that. R.I.P the beautiful vial she will be greatly missed.

Yea def a rookie move. I think my dog got a couple licks on it before I was able to clean it up. I hope he doesn't start humping more legs than he does already. But then again, at least it wasn't a total waste of the nectur.
What ya gonna do we all make our mistakes. I won't give you a link but of you need more test look around a little and you will find what you need.
It was just a bone head move. I pin first thing in the morning. I was running late for work and in a hurry. Moving all my wife's crap out of the way and as I pushed all her crap to the side it actually hit my bag I keep my gear in and it fell off the sink and broke. I say sink, but it's actually a big countertop with two sinks. Of course I blame her for my bonehead move.

Anyways thanks for the advice I appreciate it!

Keeping secrets wont work out well.
What ya gonna do we all make our mistakes. I won't give you a link but of you need more test look around a little and you will find what you need.

Yea i understand. I dont expect anyone to toss me the keys to the Mercedes. I need to put the work in and line up my own sources. But if someone did i sure wouldnt toss them back. Haha. Till then i shall keep putting in my time. Thanks for giving a small fry some hope Bro.
All of the sources discussed on this board come up if you google them

Optimum pharma
andromed labs
purity source labs

To name a few..