self preservation please help!!!


New member
On recently starting the female contraceptive injection "Depo Provera" my partner has started to suffer with water retention, and seeing as it was my idea that she tries the injection method the water retention is 100% MY FAULT!! so any information regarding combatting water retention would be most beneficial to her and would also make my life so much more barable, Thanks.

I dont think theres anything you can do. I dont know of a hormone based contraceptive that doesnt cause fat gain in females. She just had a baby not too long ago right? if she wants to lose the baby weight shed be better off not using any contraceptive. You can use a jimmy or whatever. Guess it depends on whats a higher priority.
I would never recommend that evil shot to anyone. Not only did it cause me to retain water (yes water) but it caused me to sleep all of the time and it caused my clinical depression to worsen dramatically. The bad part about it is that you have to just wait it out until it is out of her system. I think one of the main problems with any kind of hormonal birth control is that the dose is generalized and not tailored to the individual. In a perfect world they would test the estrogen and progesterone levels in our bodies and adjust the hormonal dose accordingly. I was on that stupid shot to alleviate dysmenorrhea and it gave me nothing but more problems. Thankfully I already have my tubes tied and can't get pregnant. Good luck to anyone who is on this evil, evil stuff.
wow, i never wrote that second post?

Which one are you? Are you the novice or the pro? Once that shot was done in my system I dropped, and this is no crap, like 15 pounds of water in 3 weeks. I peed all the time. I wasn't even on it for birth control. They put me on it for dysmenorrhea. And yes, if you read the information the doctor gives to you about the shot, one of the sides is water retention.
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On recently starting the female contraceptive injection "Depo Provera" my partner has started to suffer with water retention, and seeing as it was my idea that she tries the injection method the water retention is 100% MY FAULT!! so any information regarding combatting water retention would be most beneficial to her and would also make my life so much more barable, Thanks.

Give it some time, it may balance out.

I've been on Depo for a while, and it's been great. i don't even get PMS anymore! No mood swings, pain or cramping. I just feel normal all month.

It's not right for everyone though. I'd say give it a chance and see if her body adjusts, you'll get some weight gain with almost any birthcontrol pill or shot.